Addiction vs. stress – relief through LifeWave


Most people think of alcohol, smoking or drug addition when they think of addition. However, it could also be addition to sugar, coffee, fat, or other food products. You can be addicted to recognition, attention, sex or gambling. Yes, the list goes on and on.

So many recognize that they have an addiction if they look themselves in the mirror. It is probably the most difficult – just come to the realization. Are you addicted to anything?

What is an addiction? For example. be a physical or mental needs as a person difficult to control, and sometimes unbridled worship, for example. any of the foregoing.

How does an addiction really? According to the branch of kinesiology (one-brain system), which I was trained in, so creating a dependency from a primary stressful situation that occurred earlier in life (often it many years earlier). An example would be something that does not seem to be so bad for an adult, whereas a child in a situation where a dog suddenly appears and do can be completely intimidating. From the day the child can carry around a fear of dogs – whose primary – over the years can escalate to such. an addiction to feel safe all the time.

A primary stressful situation may for example only be compared to that you associate your hand as hard as you can. At some point it will start to hurt the hand. Later you will be almost numb. Even if the hand is purely physical, it may well be compared to the mental. When you do not let go of a stressful situation, it can get worse and worse mentally. Humans are built to experience acute stress, but must ‘shake’ it immediately after they have experienced a stressful situation.

Stress relief with LifeWave

The best way to be stress free is by being completely present in the moment; 100% focused on what you are doing. Many can nod in recognition to the story of the old grandmother, who for a family celebration comes with the stick and at the table complaining about the many arthritis pain, etc., which she has. However, if the game is on the table as she participates completely engaged in the game and is free of pain while the game is on.

But it’s hard for most to be completely present in the moment, and here it is so that LifeWave goes into the game. Y-Age Aeon patch helps me to find a greater peace. I also take LifeWave supplements Theta Mind if I need more help to be focused. In order to get something done about an addiction used the method of Tohuman app. It contains the first paragraph. Y-Age Aeon, 1st paragraph. SP6 Complete and 1 set of Energy Enhancer.

At the end you just psychologist Dicken Bettingers definition of stress: It is everything that pulls your mind away from the present moment.

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Kim Brems got talked into trying out the LifeWaves product in 2012 - and he's never turned back! Kim Brems is a trained kinesiologist and later obtained her NLP and Master's Degree in this field. She has also gone through in between training as a stress consultant. When Kim Brems provides treatments (in her free time) she uses LifeWave products most of the time - and get brilliant results. Contact information:


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