To Human fortifies with LifeWave forum and app


What a reception. Every day people are becoming more and more aware of the launch of the To Human app on April 21, 2015. Every day we receive kind words and reviews of the new app LifeWave patches. We’re so happy and proud! Due to the tremendous support from our satisfied app users, we have over the summer not just been working on the To Human app, but also designed and created the foundation for the new LifeWave universe: the To Human blog. Knowledge is the new black. This is crucial if we want to spread the word about people achieving higher quality of life, wellness and future health…and the To Human team would like to show the way.

Specialists and personal accounts

The To Human blog will in the upcoming months be offering exciting stories with LifeWave by both users and distributors of LifeWave patches and other products. We will also have LifeWave specialists and alternative practitioners. These have opened their eyes to LifeWave’s breakthrough technology. On the To Human blog you will also be able to follow the personal stories in the quest for a better life with LifeWave. If you’d like to contribute with your LifeWave story, please write to Jan Dibbern on We welcome all guest bloggers on the blog if they have any interesting personal stories or something to say that is important and relevant to others. It’s all about sharing – human to human.

Learn even more in the To Human app

This autumn, the To Human team has also been focusing on updating To-Human-app-LifeWavethe To Human app with more knowledge about LifeWave products and opportunities. We want to make the app even more fun and expand and develop the foundation that we’ve already built. We continuously consult with LifeWave specialists for high quality knowledge to put into the app. At the same time, we have direct contact with many users who tell us how we can become even better. We always welcome feedback as this means that the app can constantly be improved and developed.

The To Human app is currently available in eight languages. Once the app is updated this autumn, we will work intensively to get all the languages updated accordingly. The To Human app can be used as a phrasebook. We also know that many today download the To Human app as a guide to their LifeWave patches onto their smartphone abroad. The To Human app has regular users in both Scandinavia, Italy and several other countries today.

App for Windows phones is being tested

The To Human app is currently also working intensely on testing out the app on Windows phones. However, the release of the new Windows 10 will likely delay the launch of the To Human app support for Windows phones.

The new Windows 10 provides additional technical requirements for the app to be used on a Windows phone. The reason that users of Windows phone had to wait a little longer is is because the Windows requirements mean that Windows phones have less choices when it comes to apps. But the Windows phone users shouldn’t miss out. To human team will work on releasing this and have test the app, because we want to be absolutely sure that even Windows phone users will have a good experience.

The To Human team is working hard. This is an exciting journey, and we’ll keep you updated regularly on Facebook, Google+ and the To Human blog.

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2014 was the year I began my first foray into LifeWave. I chose to test all the products on my own body. I changed my diet and had a targeted training programme made. It has turned around my life 180 degrees. To Human is a concept I made to increase the quality of life for myself and for others. To Human blog is a forum, a magazine, and a knowledge-sharing centre for LifeWave enthusiasts - human to human. The To Human app is an online guide, helping you step-by-step with the use of your LifeWave products on-the-go.


  1. Nice read dear Jan.
    Exciting to participate in the journey and, not least, to contribute in the process of various professional insights into the LifeWave universe. It is such a canon project, drawing on more people’s skills. – And as they say in the forward-looking party “Alternatives” – more about more … It’s great to be able to “talk” this blog up ….. May the force be with the beautiful project here.

  2. The journey with blog.tohuman has just begun with this pilot project in Denmark. The team behind To Human blog works hard together with all the interested people, bloggers and others to create the ultimate digital forum to get the message of alternative opportunities scattered as far as possible.

    Already now, we have come further than we thought since our release in August 2015 – thanks to the great support. It has blown up to work on new ideas that will come in the near future so that we can, for example, get the message about LifeWave and other alternative options beyond the country’s borders. Just follow and other media, such as our Facebook page or Google+.

    There are so many people out there that everyone has a good story to tell. By creating the concept of “human to human” – a forum for LifeWave and other alternative options in health, well-being and wellness, a very powerful media is created, which, with the help of modern technology, can enter the living rooms of more people. You can read these stories when you have the time and effort, which is a strong combination. This forum is for the users, and the team behind the Two Human concept hopes for many more exciting and life-provoking stories. So would you like to join me, then write to me (Jan Dibbern) at In a while, maybe you’re doing a new career like blogger and distributor 🙂


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