LifeWave patch helps emerging cataracts

Photo: Marina Vitale

My mother was suffering from brain blood clots more than 40 years ago. This led to her not being able to go out into the cold weather for years without becoming paralyzed on the left side of her body.

In addition to the annoying left-side paralysis in cold weather, she had since also lost part of the vision field in her left eye. The area measured approx. half of her eye. An acupuncturist helped with this blindness partially, but she was still left with about 20 percent blindness.

A few years ago the eye doctor gave her the diagnosis ‘emerging cataracts’ on her left eye.
Since we have helped her with both fracture in the back, COPD and other things with LifeWave patches, she should now see whether or not she could avoid cataracts with LifeWave patches.

Carnosine is good for the eyes

I searched for some success stories with LifeWave and found out that Carnosine is really good for the eyes as the eye mainly consists of Carnosine. My mother put a Carnosine patch beside the left eye and wore it day and night. She changed it every 24 hours.

She has worn the patch more or less always during the last six months. Today she can read without glasses and her vision is not blurry anymore. At the same time she has the amazing “side effect” of not having any blind spots in her eye anymore.

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Following a fantastic, personal experience with LifeWave products during 2014, I became a LifeWave distributor. Every day, I help customers in my shop with LifeWave patches. My clear attitude is that if we can make people deal with the most common "everyday problems" with a LifeWave patch, we can increase their quality of life, and maybe in the long run, the healthcare system can save some money. Contact me at


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