How to help your dog get a quiet New Year’s Eve

Photo: Mink Mingle, Unsplash

In the days leading up to New Year 2018, I came across a post in a Facebook dog group. The post was about the poor little dogs that spend all of New Year’s Eve shaking and afraid – both the days before and after the actual night.

I wrote a comment in the post and recommended they try using LifeWave patches, which can help the dogs feel a sense of calm and stress relief. A lot of people responded wanting to try out the patches. As several people wrote to me just before New Year’s Eve, I also had to refer to other distributors so that everyone could get their patches. I really tried to make sure that all of them would have their patches before New Year’s Eve.

Now New Year’s Eve is over, but the question now is whether or not the patches had any effect on the dogs that tried them out.

About 8-9 out of 10 got back to me and said their dogs had a wonderfully quiet New Year’s Eve. I think that some of them who didn’t experience ideal results only bought two patches and didn’t get the patches early enough before New Year, so the dog might have already had time to get all winded up.

3 tips for using the patches

So this is my advice:

  1. 1. Remember to start before New Year’s Eve so that the dog doesn’t have time to get all stressed, making it much harder to decrease their stress level.
  2. J2. I would recommend that you start on 27/12 by the latest, which is when people usually start shooting fireworks until 01.01.
  3. 3. Place an Aeon patch on top of the animal’s head, and perhaps even a Silent Nights by the tail. So if your dog gets stressed, buy 6 Aeon patches and 6 Silent Nights patches. If it’s not that bad, you can get away with only using 6 Aeon patches..

The patches costs usually about 25 kr, so the price is between 150 kr and 300 kr and will help make sure your pet can find their peace. You can probably save some ammunition there.

Here is some of the feedback I got:

“Happy New Year! Thank you so much – it has been a pleasure being a dog owner tonight.
Such a calm little guy”

– Helle Jetsmark

“It worked right away on my big sister’s dog and she went from shaking to actually wagging her tail and being happy, and my father’s dog didn’t shake this year – so it worked 🙂 Definitely something I’ll buy again next year! It seemed to work a bit on MY dog, but I think I’ll place it on his head next time. I was recommended the neck but his hair is so curly there, but we’ll try with the head right away next year since it worked 🙂 ”

– Isabella Sørensen



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Following a fantastic, personal experience with LifeWave products during 2014, I became a LifeWave distributor. Every day, I help customers in my shop with LifeWave patches. My clear attitude is that if we can make people deal with the most common "everyday problems" with a LifeWave patch, we can increase their quality of life, and maybe in the long run, the healthcare system can save some money. Contact me at


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