1st healthy habit: The hunt for more whole grains has begun

Photo: Brooke Lark, Unsplash

There is a new campaign by the Cancer Society in Denmark that gives you an inspiring way to change your habits by joining for 10 easy tips over 10 weeks. It’s not a cure, but rather an easy way to incorporate new habits that can help you lead a healthier lifestyle and prevent cancer. Fact is that 4 out of 10 cancer cases can be prevented through diet and exercise. You’ll also get their top 10 tips for a longer life.

It’s a great opportunity to take a look at your life and start thinking about daily health and the little habits that we can sneak in every day.

I joined the campaign and received a weekly email with a challenge and inspiration, tips and tricks to implement them. I’m already excited! Below you can read about how the weeks progresses.

Week 1: 75 grams of whole grains a day

During week one I get an email in my inbox and the challenge is to eat at least 75 gr of whole grains a day. Well then! How the heck can I ensure that when I’m not a trained diet expert.

It’s quite easy to start when you’re shopping. Look for the orange whole grain logo on the food and then you’re all good! This means that the food is high in whole grains and low in sugars, salt and fat. The products are a bit more more filling so you might want to eat a bit less, which is good when you want to keep a healthy weight anyways. There are over 800 products with a whole grain logo on it, so there is something out there for everyone.

One of the suggestions is to switch cheesy foods in the morning with a bowl of oatmeal. Oatmeal is 100% whole grain. Sounds boring? It doesn’t have to be. Before bedtime, I put oatmeal soaked in almond milk and the next morning I top it off with berries, chia seeds and almonds. It tastes heavenly!

It’s all about lifestyle

Unfortunately, I got the flu on day 2 of week 1. Ouch…my appetite disappeared, so I definitely wasn’t able to get all the whole grains I needed. But I’m not giving up.

Remember – it is a not a cure, but a change of habits. I eat some porridge when the appetite returns and in addition, I see little on the advice of changing rice, pasta and flour out with grovene / brown variants. Notch by it. In this house, it is now rarely we eat rice, pasta and bread, but when it happens, it’s always the coarse variant.

I’m also pouring grains into salads, which I hadn’t thought of before. It’s a good thing to keep in mind.

Week 1 is easy for me since I already have many good habits when it comes to whole grains. It is good to be aware of, since 17% of colon cancer cases can be avoided by eating 75 grams of whole grains (eg. a bowl of oatmeal and 1 slice of bread daily). I go back under the covers and hope to feel better for the challenges of week 2 coming up.

10 weeks – 10 good habits

In this campaign I follow the Danish Cancer Society campaign for a longer life. I’ve just saw the campaign and wanted to take on the challenge. Neither I nor TOHUMAN has any contract with the Danish Cancer Society. However, I would like to support the campaign as it aims for a healthy life by writing about it here – all seasoned with my own experience. Join the campaign. Share your experiences on here. Feel free to ask me for advice.

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I am interested in the body, health, and living well with a chronic disease. I have a background in the financiel world with 25 years of experience with number and facts. In 2014, my life changed. I became a distributor of LifeWave products. These days, I am a networker, ambassador, and distributor of LifeWave. Follow me on the Facebook page Maibody.


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