Ready for 2017? 7 tips for LifeWave


Sharing is caring. That’s why we in 2016 shared all the best experiences with you here on the blog. Here are 7 tips for better quality of life to help you kickstart the new year just the way you want to.

Happy New Year. We are looking forward to sharing even more on here in 2017.

fit-med-winfit#1 Fit with WinFit! Make your New Year’s promise a success

HEALTH Start the new year by getting in top shape. 2016 offered some really exciting news from LifeWave – WinFit. No diets, no extreme exercise, and no diet pills. Stay fit in the smartest way. We have had a lot of stories here on the blog. See the posts here and get inspiration for how to kickstart the new year.

By Kim Hody
Blog post 6: WinFit with duck and pork roast
Blog post 5: WinFit update 3: Get body toning
Blog post 4: WinFit update 2: Hanne is highly motivated!
Blog post 3: WinFit update 1: How Hanne lost 2.9 kg in 10 days
Blog post 2: WinFit start: Your guide to weight-loss and great looking body
Blog post 1: WinFit – new and brilliant, weight-regulating and body sculpting system from LifeWave

By Réne Junge Petersen
Blog post 3: Am I really losing weight during the holidays? Of course!
Blog post 2: WinFit – Whoa, this is easy!
Blog post 1: LifeWaves new body sculpting product WinFit has arrived

By Mai-Britt Bækgaard
Blog 3: Heir to WinFit: Training and detox with TOHUMAN app
Blog 2: Fit with WinFit: Can the diet be too low in fat?
Blog 1: 3,2,1 …  Yes, please, to a toned body with less fat with WinFit

By Anita Hellner Andersen
Blog 1: Does WinFit work if you suffer from PCOS: I am going to try

By Jeanett Beate Jensen
Blog post2: My weight is blinking! Low body fat after 12 weeks with WinFit
Blog post 1: 5 great weeks with WinFit

By Malene Sandemand
Blog post 1: Whooa! WinFit – Shape Your Future: I am highly motivated!

By Steen Leithoff
Blog post 1: The new, groundbreaking weight-loss concept WinFit eliminates the diet

smuk-hud-alavida#2 Get healthy and nice skin – and repair damaged skin with Alavida

BEAUTY We still can’t get over the launch of Alavida skin care by 2015. Beauty means something for our self-esteem, and through 2016 it has flowed in with great insights about this truly unique LifeWave beauty concept. Read all posts with Alavida. Alavida is used today for many different things. Here are 6 exciting posts about Alavida.

Silky smooth skin on arms and legs with Alavida
Happy feet with Alavia – say goodbye to chapped heels
Everyday advise: Alavida relieves itching and rash from nettles
My preferred skin care range: Alavida facial nectar, night creme og patch
30 fantastic days with Alavida – natural skin care
The journey with Alavida skin care has begun – peptalk and five fantastic testimonials

stoettegruppe-lifewave#3 Find support when things are difficult. Read other people’s stories.

ILLNESS British people are hit by a myriad of various diseases and disorders every day. Here on the blog we go a long way. Read, among other things, On cancerous processes (bowel cancer and breast cancer), one of the HPV-affected girls, the disorder of PCOS, etc. Search the search box and learn from other people’s sick stories.

#4 Are you in pain? Get pain relief advice

SMERTER Sprain, bladder infection, heel trauma, larynx, hip pain, difference in leg length and whipping. It is blog some of the many pain we have written about here on the blog. Go through the discovery and find the help by reading the stories of others. Type a keyword in the search box and see what is written about the pain you or those you want to help go with.

#5 Increase sports performance with LifeWave

SPORT By 2016, we have been lucky that professional cyclist rider Tim Vang Cronqvist has been very pleased to test LifeWave. He did not know the patches and products in advance, but has now written several posts on how it helped him through a injury period and again on the victories. He is now highly motivated for a new cycling season. Follow our sports theme here.

Follow the bicyclist Tim Vang Cronqvist
Exercise – despite flaws and illness
Workout with joy – 10 tips for a good start

pollenallergi-lifewave-tips#6 Slapped with hay fever or allergy – get quick help

ALLERGY More than 1.5 million Danes suffer from allergies, hay fever, asthma and eczema. Here on the blog we have been wide-ranging about what LifeWave can do for you. Achieve higher quality of life with LifeWave in the bag. Read the contributions about pollen allergy, hay fever, and nut allergy.

hund-lifewave-tips#7 Our pets deserve the best – try patches

ANIMALS We just love them. That’s the way it is. Our pets and our horses are going to be doing well. They are like a family member and a close friend. Several of the bloggers have focused on how we can help the animals naturally throughout the year.
3 touching stories about how LifeWave makes a difference – read here.

Surprised vet: Hot spots vanish with Alavida
When your dog is in pain
Dog tail close to amputation – but ESCAPED
How to keep your dog happy on New Years Eve
Take LifeWave with you on vacation for your dog

Patch therapy helps horse put weight on leg
AcuLife – well-being for your horse, reduces inflammation and restores energy flow

Previous articleHeir to WinFit: Training and detox with the TOHUMAN app
Next articleWinFit update 4: New year – new body
2014 was the year I began my first foray into LifeWave. I chose to test all the products on my own body. I changed my diet and had a targeted training programme made. It has turned around my life 180 degrees. To Human is a concept I made to increase the quality of life for myself and for others. To Human blog is a forum, a magazine, and a knowledge-sharing centre for LifeWave enthusiasts - human to human. The To Human app is an online guide, helping you step-by-step with the use of your LifeWave products on-the-go.


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