Hanne has now been doing the WinFit program for eight weeks. It actually goes well – even though there have been some dropouts along the way. Because there is both work, family and all that one has to achieve in a modern life.
Hannes’s family has been fantastic to support the process, and Hannes WinFit travel has led the whole family to look carefully at the diet, and now healthier lives. Out has smoked everything unhealthy: Sweets, cakes, ready meals (fast food and pizza, etc.) have been severely cropped. In came: More coarse, green and lean – though focusing on good protein sources, the healthy fat from poultry and organic meat. The family has also begun choosing the coarse vegetables and cabbage, beans and legumes, as they have a high and good protein source with a high fiber content, which gives a good satiety and something for the bowel to work with. Hanne has a tendency for a not always functioning bowel. However, this has been largely done after system startup.
The good progress is attributable to a change in dietary intake and the good benefits from Corsentials and Theta One. The whole family now enjoys Hannes’s new life, where the desire from the start has been a healthier, more beautiful, more toned body.
Good fats and carbohydrates
Fats are optimal fuel and the best source of combustion for man. We are created to burn fat. Fat contains a far greater calorific value than carbohydrate per. gram. However, the fat is more difficult to “get hold of” when energy is required for the body’s work. Carbohydrates are far easier to mobilize for incineration here and now. This is only taken when the body needs energy for work. Therefore, if Hanne has lived for many years, with a nice carbohydrate diet (see below), the unwanted fat deposits come quite slowly over time.
How Hannes ate before:
- No breakfast
- Cheese toast in the morning
- A hot dog for lunch
- Coffee and herbal tea during the day
- Pasta and rice with vegetables at night (some days with toasts at night).
Hannes diet lacked a reasonable proportion of the protein by a qualitative good source of protein and healthy fat from poultry and fish, the healthy oils from olive, sesame, rapeseed and coconut – this is recommended as also of LifeWave. The extremely healthy and necessary Omega 3 sources from organic fatty fish should consume a large part of the diet. I’ll look into a later post here on the blog.
Amount and choice of protein
The discussion about the amount of protein abounds out there: Recommendations from both science and health authorities are that you should not take a high dose over a longer period of time. An increased intake of protein is only necessary for elderly people and for athletes who grow high intensity and heavy exercise for a long time. That is, in a construction phase or in a particular situation.
The WHO recommendation is 0.75 g of protein per. Kg / day – ie approx. 53 grams for a person of 70 kg. I’ve seen that some recommend volumes of over 120 g for WinFit (net protein). I would strongly disagree with that. Such large amounts will I consider to be extremely harmful in the long run, as it causes unnecessary damage to the carnivores, kidneys and liver. The liver has only one place to send as large amounts of protein: It is converted to fat and put on the fat debris and is definitely not appropriate.
In this context, it is important that for the average man, where there are no extraordinarily high demands on strength or endurance, a quality-good protein source is obtained. Look for protein isolates – and if you want to build muscle quickly, choose the animal sources and like from fatty fish (but not breeding!). Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids from fatty fish counteract inflammations and are good for permeability over the cell membrane and hence the metabolism of cells. It is good sense to supplement with a good vitamin and mineral preparation. All B vitamins, vitamin D and magnesium are important for the structure. Also good with exercise.
Vegetable protein is also an excellent source and may be the choice for those who are struggling with protein sources from meat. You choose what makes sense for the individual. If you choose vegetable sources, it’s slower with muscle build-up than with animal sources, as these have a relatively lower content of the essential amino acids.
Protein from animal sources is absorbed almost completely in the intestine, as opposed to the small-scale vegetable protein, is more indigestible (cheaper in purchases), but, on the other hand, gives a greater satiety, has a shorter passage in the intestine with a perhaps nicely improved bowel function. Therefore you have to decide which horse you are betting on.
My advice is, as always, to seek a balance and find out what is good for one’s self and strive to only get the amount you really need. It’s important that you give it time to work – even when using WinFit – otherwise you can actually take on instead of losing weight. Dietary studies have shown that very protein-rich diets with a higher calorie surplus – that is, a diet that does not reduce calorie intake at the same time – increases the weight of the subjects. The individual body chemistry determines this. Is this scenario, so excess protein can only be stored as fat.
If you want to study the subject more, LifeWave gives you tips on selecting protein sources in its webinars for WinFit users.
My collective advice will therefore be: Take a little away from it – that is, as much as possible on the plate as possible taking into account what you want to achieve. A balance.
Finally, you must remember the “diet window” in the WinFit program: Sufficient food must be consumed. Here it is meant that you eat sufficiently within an 8-hour window. If you are hungry outside the window, you have not eaten enough. One chooses his “window” as it fits into everyday life.
Living with WinFit
For Hanne, life with the WinFit system is now well incorporated. She reaches her morning motion, which she has chosen to grow twice a week, where about 15 minutes is effective. As mentioned in my previous posts, she does easy warm up/agile exercises followed by easy running, jumping/high knee lifts, jumping jacks and stretching, and whatever else she can think of. She finishes off with three to five races at maximum pace to get the pulse all the way up.
Since the grass is wet during this time, she does not use bed exercises. She saves herself at work: Here she has introduced pause gymnastics together with her colleagues, where they do “7 Minute Work Training” every day. This small, easy-to-use Workout program is downloaded for free on the App Store website and placed on your smartphone. There are several programs. Take the one that suits you.
WinFit Body Toning – there’s more space in Hanne’s jeans
For Hanne, WinFit has proved to be a Body Toning System, and after eight weeks she is now having ample space in her former little too tight jeans!
Regarding her improvements, she says that she can now:
- Run further with increasing progress
- Has achieved much greater strength/flexibility in legs and greater stamina
- Has gained great strength in her legs. She flies around on her bike!
- Before she could do three push ups on her knees – now she can do 12 on the tips of her toes
- Still has more energy
- Has become “really happy” with her body
- Wants to exercise and work out more
For the first time she can see loss of fat under her arms – less “flab” - Has had an initial toning of her butt, which has been her ultimate wish.
- She sleeps really well.
Water, water and more water
One aspect we have had to fight with and, as always, has been Hannes’s big challenge is that she forgets to drink water. In the morning it goes well, but she often forgets drinking during the day. We are talking about it and therefore she has introduced water breaks before and after the “7 minutes workout” at work.
What is important to know is that only about 1-2 percent dehydration can give about 10 percent poorer performance capacity – both physically and mentally, but also that you may become sleepy, unplanned, sleepy or perhaps get a headache. Additionally, a reduced effect from WinFit and Carnosine patches. Drink water: Recommended approx. 3 dl per 10 kg body weight per 24 hours a day.
Back up on the scale: More progress?
See the previous posts with the improvements achieved from the first 28 days. Note, we use the calculator from Beregnbmi.dk.
Hanne’s weight: 79.4 kg
Fat percentage: 32.3
* Weighted fat: 25.65 kg
Hanne’s weight: 77.5 kg
Fat percentage: 28.52
Weighted fat: 22.1 kg
The result after the first 4 weeks is that Hanne “lost” 3.55 kg fat, but at the same time increased her pure muscle mass by 1.65 kg. (See previous entries for this calculation).
Hanne’s weight: 77.5 kg
Fat percentage: 29.3
Weighted fat: 22.21 kg
* A measure of the weight in kg of her fat mass, minus the weight of bone mass/muscle mass and water.
Note that the fat percentage is increased: This is due to the relatively simple calculation via the selected fat calculator, which uses some solid body targets and therefore does not take into account losing at different rates of different body parts.
Weighted, Hanne has not moved, but something else has happened – The total calculation tells her that she has lost marginal fat at approx. 1.4 kg – but at the same time increased its muscle mass with exactly the same 1.4 kg.
There has been a redistribution of fat versus muscle mass. A burning of fat and with a simultaneous increase in muscle mass of the same value. This is also seen by some of them currently opting to try WinFit and telling them that they do not lose weight, but that some actually gain weight. Here you have to make it clear whether the weight gain actually covers a muscular weight gain, which you just wish with WinFit. A system that is not a diet, but a system for toning the body. Therefore look in the mirror: Can you see a different toned body? Do you feel different fit? Have you checked any of the tight clothes you could not really be in before?
Hanne now gets what she wants to use the LifeWave Body Toning System. Since her inception there has been a toning of her body: Breast, waist and thighs – but especially in the 2nd month there is now a noticeable and visible reduction of the depots she has under the armpits – the two unkind bumps / wings that she calls them. She is very pleased with her and she is optimistic for the next few months.
The tape measure has become shorter
Hannes’s particularly important measure is the size of her waist, hips and thighs. Also, the target of the chest – as well as her pretty large depots under the armpits – where it bulges out, she would like to have reduced. As you will see, something is happening here. It is important to point out that we burn the fat at different rates as well as the muscular structure does not necessarily have to show where fat deposits disappear – remember toner!
Weigh every day and measure once a week. Below are three measurements: Starting measurements and measurements for 4 and 8 weeks.
Measurements BEFORE and AFTER:
The three measurements as well as the total reduction in cm:
- Legs: 39 cm – 38 cm – 39 cm = 0
- Thighs: 63 cm – 63 cm – 63 cm = 0
- Hips: 106 cm – 101 cm – 100 cm = minus 6 cm
- Waist: 87 cm – 81 cm – 82 cm = minus 5 cm
- Chest: 108 cm – 101 cm – 99 cm = minus 9 cm
- Shoulder (back): 57 cm – 57 cm – 55 cm = minus 2 cm
- Shoulder (front): 52 cm – 52 cm – 51 cm = minus 1 cm
- Over chest: 98 cm – 96 cm – 95 cm = minus 3 cm
- Biceps: 32 cm – 34 cm – 33 cm = plus 1 cm
- Neck: 39 cm – 36 cm – 36 cm = minus 3 cm
As you can see, Hanne has had a great loss of 26 cm, if all the measurements are added. A total fat reduction of: 3.55 kg + 1.4 kg, giving 4.95 kg in total in 56 days / 8 weeks. Hannes’s muscle mass is increased by: 1.65 kg + 1.4 kg = 3.05 kg total.
A happy thing more. We pull her muscular weight gain from her fat reduction: 4.95 kg – 3.05 kg = 1.90 kg – we get this interesting calculation:
Hannes’s initial starting weight before WinFit was 79.40 kg minus the difference above 1.90 = 77.5 kg, which is her current weight 8 weeks on her WinFit system. What does this say: It tells her that she no longer carries about 1.9 kg of water! In other words, she has released a 1.9 kg liquid burst and she has achieved a greatly improved fluid balance and a much better cell metabolism and / or with greatly improved electrolytic properties in cell and muscle tissue!
Worth mentioning
Your measurements can be a little up and down. Measuring and weighing each day, do not worry if the phantom results do not come fast. Nor do they drive up and down, and you do not think you’re moving. As mentioned, the reasons can be many. There is the daily biological and metabolic uncertainty that is inflated, possibly occurring. A detox / detoxification.
Perhaps you have a few days of excessive fluid in the tissue. The body can not handle everything at once. Good results come from a sustained and dedicated approach. One has to think that one’s unwelcome depots are built over many years. Target and guide you every week, but preferably evaluate it on a monthly basis.
Hanne’s journey with WinFit continues
Hanne is very pleased with the process so far. We are both convinced that WinFit lives up to what the system promises. A toning of the body – with a fat burning and with the simultaneous build-up of the body for increased strength and muscle volume.
Hanne therefore sticks and continues her WinFit Body Toning in the next months into the new year and a bit into the spring. A total of 6 months.
Follow her on the blog on her further journey to the body she dreams of when I write next time around New Year.
Do you also want to burn fat and build muscle, so come on board! Remember that it is possible to ask questions about Hannes’s course or other questions regarding the WinFit Body Shapes System, use of patches or other Lifewave products. You can do this in the comments field under the post here: “Leave a Comment”.