Does WinFit work if you suffer from PCOS? I am going to try!


I’m never going to look like a UK size 10. I have PCOS, like many other women. They say 5-10% in childbearing age has it. This means increased hair growth, high sugar cravings, and it’s almost impossible to lose weight. I need to follow a strict diet in order to lose weight and I’ve found this to be difficult. I have accepted that it is what it is – even if there’s always hope.

I was at a LifeWave event in Copenhagen in September where the new fat-loss concept WinFit was launched. My first reaction was: BRILLIANT! What a lovely product. It’s perfect for me.

After some time and thought I started asking myself: Will it have the same impact on me as it has on everyone else even though I have PCOS?

Easy concept in your busy schedule

I have to try it at least, I thought to myself. I mean, we’re talking about a k fat loss concept where I don’t need to run several kilometers a day to achieve a fitter body (knowing that it won’t make me lose weight). Counting calories is a concept that I don’t need as I forget to do it about every 3rd time. Strict dieting isn’t something for me either as I’ve already cheated by the time we sit down for dinner.

Here we have a concept with products with just a few rules that even I could manage to stick by on a busy schedule. I have to eat within an eight hour window, do some weight training every morning for 5 minutes and take my “goodnight beer” – yes, this is what it’s been dubbed. But instead of my normal beer, I take the nutritional dietary supplement Theta One every night.


An example of my day would look something like this:

At 5:30: The alarm clock rings. Before I take a shower, I just do 2 x 20 arm swings and a bench workout for 2 x 40 sec. I lie on my stomach and lift my legs for 2 x 20 sec., run on the spot with high knees while counting to to 50 slowly and finally 1 minute. I then squat and count to 4 and get back up again. Then I’m off to the shower.

After finishing, I get dressed, do my makeup, turn on the WinFit and gobble down half a liter of water. I can’t drink any more since I have a 1 ½ hour commute to my work – otherwise I’ll have to pee before I actually come across any bathrooms.

At 10:30: This is my eating window. Now I can get my half slice of bread with cheese. I must admit that I’m hungry by now, yet I feel satisfied after having eaten my bread.

At 11:00: Lunch. I eat like normal.

Between meals I eat a banana, apple/pear, granola bars (due to PCOS), but I also eat a piece of cake now and then.

At 18:30 it’s dinner time and my eating window closes at 19:00.

At 21:30 is the time to have my “good night beer”: the Theta One.

I also remembered to measure and weigh myself before I started off all of this.

My first month of WinFit

Measurements from September 22nd:

Weight: 85.2 kg

Fat: 39.7 %

Body fluid: 48.2 % water

Muscles: 34.9 %

Thigh measurements: 61 cm

Upper arm measurements: 31 cm

Stomach measurements: 116 cm

Measurements from October 27:

Weight: 84.7 kg

Fat: 36.2 %

Body fluid: 52.8 % water

Muscles: 39.4 %

Thigh measurements: 61 cm

Upper arm measurements: 28 cm

Stomach measurements: 110 cm

I have increased my muscle mass by 4.5 % in just five weeks. I have REDUCED my body fat by 3.5 %. It’s crazy and way more than I could have ever hoped for.

Fit with WinFit: Success and side victories

I was wrong for thinking that it wouldn’t work for me just because I have PCOS. I can’t believe I lost 3.5 % fat. The weight almost stayed the same, but so what?

I can feel my rolls not being as firm as before. My feet have a little more space in my shoes. My bra has been moved a notch in. My pants don’t fit as tight, and not all of my t-shirts sit on my stomach when I wear them.

It’s just such a wonderful feeling. I’ve also had some other victories on the side in addition to these wonderful benefits:

  • Stomach works better
  • Skin is nicer
  • More energy
  • Feel full sooner
  • My sugar cravings are almost completely gone. I have eaten a piece of cake, drank a cup of hot cocoa, and stretched my eating window 1 or 2 hours, but my cravings are much more mild. I can resist the chocolate, even if it’s right in front of me. I would have eaten all of it before!

Now we just have to see what next month will bring. But I’m sure the numbers will be even better!

What is PCOS?

The acronym PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Polycystic means that there are several blisters – cysts – on the ovaries. Symptoms include missed periods, obesity, excessive hair growth, acne and infertility (difficulty getting pregnant), etc.

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Anita Hellner was introduced to the wonderful world of LifeWave in 2014. Ever since then, the patches and other products have been her faithful companion. Anita has PCOS and LifeWave has helped her lessen her problems and have given her more energy. She uses LifeWave for both small and big challenges that may arise and loves helping the people who cross her path to achieve better quality of life and health. Contact information:


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