Gasp, breast cancer! How LifeWave helped me


This is my story and my experiences related to my breast cancer. I have chosen to write and share it with you, because cancer is still a major taboo. Here I will talk about the process and some of the things I have done to strengthen my body in the process beyond the usual recommendations on diet, vitamins, sleep, etc.

I’m scheduled for a standard mammogram just before the summer holidays. This is always offered once you’ve passed the age of 50. I first think that I’ll just get it done and over with because I haven’t noticed anything odd. But I still take off and get it done on Friday 10/6 of 2016 at the hospital. The screening only takes five minutes, and I go home again with a message that I will get the results in my inbox within three weeks.

Breast cancer?! The anxiety is overwhelming

I sit in my office and make financial statements on Monday 20/6 when the phone rings. It’s a doctor from the University Hospital. I’m confused. The doctor says that they help the hospital review and clarify the scans, which shows something that does not look normal! GASP, I think and hear virtually nothing except that I am to meet my doctor at the hospital the following day at. 10:00. The anxiety washes over me and is all-consuming. I’m all worked up for the rest of the day.

I’m so nervous the following day. Luckily, a good friend gives me a ride. I am very absent-minded and scared. There are some new scans and ultrasound and biopsy. Unfortunately, the doctor says that she believes it is very likely is a malignant nodule, but the biopsy will show with certainty. I’ll get those results at the hospital.

The verdict: Cancer lump in right breast

I got the results at the hospital’s oncology department on Wednesday 29/6 at 10:00. I felt as if the carpet was pulled from underneath me. The wait is a nightmare for me and I am totally and emotionally completely out of it.

Brystkraeft-angst-lifewaveMy life is turned upside down after eight days of waiting. My friend is there to support me, and the answer is unfortunately that I have a lump in my right breast. Fortunately, it seems to be hormone related according to the doctor (I will return to that later). He schedules me for surgery on 14/7 and we are sent home with a huge stack of papers on cancer and surgery etc. And so 15 days of waiting starts. This time with a “predicate” of a life threatening disease stamped on my forehead.

Carnosine patch on the breast

I am a passionate user of LifeWave’s fantastic products and both recommend and use them often in my treatment of humans and animals. But in this process I “forget” to use them on myself. I’m sure that if I had used Aeon patch, it would have balanced the nervous system throughout the period and made everything much easier. Well, hindsight is 20/20, and I would definitely recommend others to do so.

I get one of my sweet, talented kinesiology colleagues to come and test me, because I can’t rely on my own abilities when I’m so emotionally distressed. Often we recommend a homeopathic remedy for cancer. To both our great surprise, I only have to take the homeopathic lymph product and then I attach a Carnosine patch from LifeWave to sit directly on my chest where the lump is.

Calm heart and great blood pressure

On the day of surgery I get up at. 6.00. I put an Aeon patch on my neck and enjoy peace and support throughout the day. My friend gives me a ride again and we arrive at the hospital at 7.00. We are then taken to a 4 bedded room, where I will be prepared for surgery. But first I have to have an ultrasound where a needle is placed. This is actually a piece of wire to help the surgeon find the lump. The nurse comes to take my blood pressure, pulse and temperature, and says “Your numbers are great. I’ve never experienced that before here at the cancer unit. Just being here and knowing that you’re having surgery usually affect both your blood pressure and heart rate. ”

I know what makes my body is at rest because of the Aeon patch, but since there are several other patients with relatives in the ward I decide not to tell her any further at that particular time.

No spreading to the lymphatic system

The hospital has introduced a new IT system that has resulted in plenty of problems and delays. I notice this first hand as I lie on the operating table for 40 minutes before I get anesthesia and the surgery begins. I feel completely calm and clear-headed while they mutually discuss and mess around with the system.

The surgeon goes around, stressing like a lioness in a cage. I have worked in the IT industry for 30+ years, so I ask about the error message system it comes with and outline a solution that worked. This is much to everyone’s surprise. The surgeon Susanne now comes over and starts talking to me, and when I start talking to her about my concerns regarding the lymphatic system, she says: “You know more about the lymphatic system than 80 percent of the here in the hospital.” I proceed to tell her that I have worked with natural and alternative healing methods on humans and animals for over 20 years and through education, including as a kinesiologist, have acquired knowledge about the lymphatic system.

Now I go from being a number to being Annette, and I take this opportunity to talk to her about the possibility of placing the incision as hidden as possible. She agrees to try to put the incision in the brown area around the nipple. We speak a little more and she even tells me that she used to live right up the road from me.

The surgery takes 2.5 hours and when I wake up I feel refreshed and am immediately glad to hear that the preliminary cultivation of the lump seems to have been removed. They also tell me that the first lump has not shown to be spreading any further to the lymphatic system.

Quick hospital release with light therapy

I get asked what’s on my neck. They have seen the patch before when they put on my hospital gown and buttoned it in the back after my surgery. I tell them that it is a light therapy patch, and that just having it on sends a light frequency to the body that helps to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and also reduces inflammation.

They then tell that they have been wondering about my great levels – both those taken in the hospital wing and those measured along the way.  It’s just amazing that such a small patch can make such a big difference.

I’m so healthy that they release me after two hours.

Read my cancer story, part 2

Next time I’ll be writing about my time after the surgery, the healing and my fear of the final answer. I’ll also write about my course of subsequent treatments and recommendations.


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Annette Hammerich works with energy therapy and kinesiology on humans and animals, which has given her extensive personal and professional experience with LifeWave. Annette Hammerich is a very experienced dealer with very passionate and knowledgable when it comes to product use on animals. Contact information: +(45) 4264 7770 or Visit


  1. Dearest Annette.
    Thank you for an unusually engulfing and intense story. I am looking forward to following your future posts about the process. I’m sure that a lot of people will be inspired by it. I’ve lost both my parents to cancer – and I wish I had known about LifeWave for 25 years ago. 🙂 May you continue to spread light with your loving honesty and presence. Hugs from Steen.


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