9 everyday tales of how LifeWave makes a difference


I’m always so happy about the fact that we can help people help themselves by using the bright light from the patches. I’d like to put illuminate some of the things that this unique ‘home pharmacy’ can offer in terms of alleviating various everyday challenges that many of us experience at some point in life.

I’ve helped hundreds of people and this is just a small sampling of a wide range of everyday stories from the people I’ve met. It also talks about all the common issues the products can relieve. Read about the benefits of using the patches from LifeWave.

However, I’d like to just like to note again that these unique patches do NOT replace going to the doctor and using common sense but are great to use as a tool to quicken up our healing process.

1. Acne and redness reduced by half in 7 days

Acne is a very common skin condition that affects almost all young people in their teens. It’s really difficult for some people. The difficulty of clearing the skin can result in bad self-esteem and frustration. Some time ago I met a young 17-year old man who was referred to me. He is very bothered by the acne on his back and face and is hoping that I can help him. I recommend him to use use the Alavida patch from the new skincare range from LifeWave. I choose the Alavida patch because the patch builds skin from the inside out. And what a change I saw! It takes only a week before the greatest mail comes to me from a very happy mother and son: After only 7 days of using the Alavida patch, the redness and acne has been cut down in half. It’s a huge change for her son.

2. Migraine attacks away with SP6

Many women suffer from migraines associated with menstruation. Some time ago I met a 36-year old woman suffering terribly from migraines each month that would ‘cost’ her three sick days from work as she must be in a room without any light or sound. Of course, this is a major problem both for her husband and their three children – not to mention her employer. I place the SP6 Complete patch behind her ear because her migraine is hormonal. Since then she hasn’t had any migraines – except for when she’s sick.


3. Crippled by grass allergy – now the boy can roll in the grass

It is estimated that approximately one million people suffer from hay fever. I have helped a lot of people with this problem, but I’d like to highlight a friend’s grandson. He is a 10-year-old boy* with hay fever and LifeWave really made a great difference for him. I give him the Y-Age Aeon on his bellybutton and forehead after a tip that the inventor and founder of LifeWave, David Schmidt, once shared at a conference. The boy rolls around in the grass – without any issues. Since then he has not experienced any problems, unlike before, when he was sick throughout the period when the grass is flourishing. It has made a huge difference. It’s partly the fact that he no longer is knocked out and feeling bad, but it’s also not fun to not be able to play football and run round outside with the other boys.

* It should be noted that LifeWave is only recommend to adults over 18 years. In this case, as parents, they decided to try an alternative route because the grass allergy was extremely debilitating. It was also due to the fact that LifeWave patches have no side effects or contain any substances that could be harmful to the body.

4. No more snoring. Couple gets peace in the bedroom with Silent Nights

We’ve probably all experienced sleeping next to someone who snores and we know how disruptive and annoying it can be. A lot Europeans have problems with snoring because it disrupts their sleep. It’s not just hard for the person who snores, but also for their partner. This man snores so loudly that it’s affecting his wife to the point where she can’t sleep. Snoring is often ruining their sleep and it has gradually become a major problem. The man gets a Silent Nights sleeping patch on his forehead and an Y-Age Aeon on his nose. And that’s when it happens! His wife can’t sleep the first night because the resounding silence is unfamiliar. She’s worried because she can’t hear him. The worrying stops once she discovers that her husband is sleeping soundly. Ever since then they’ve both been sleeping well – every night.

5. Woman’s arthritis is significantly improved with Corsentials

8 out of 10 people at the age of 50 have osteoarthritis. I have tried to help one of the women who are affected by this condition. I put her on the nutritional supplement Corsentials from LifeWave for three months. She feels considerably better and her arthritis is improved. She hasn’t been eating any painkillers and it’s now been a year since she started using the LifeWave products.

6. No more painkillers – Glutathione reduces menstrual pain significantly

Many women have menstrual pain, and some have to stay home every month because of the pain. I meet a young girl who has severe pain during her cycle so she’s been taking eight paracetamol a day for 3-4 days every month. The goal of trying LifeWave is to relieve pain so that she won’t be as debilitating. At the same time both she and her parents feel like she’s eating too many pills every time the pain comes. We put a Gluthatione patch on her stomach. It reduces her pain to the point where she doesn’t have to take all those painkillers.

7. Energy patch brings sleeping little finger back to life after 2 years

This is a special story. This isn’t because it was mentioned in several newspapers, but because it was such a special experience for me. I meet a 70-year-old woman with a finger that had been asleep for two years. Her own doctor, specialists and hospitals either can’t help or explain the reason for this. I give her the LifeWave patch Energy Enhancer. Her finger is brought back to life shortly and it’s still going strong today – 12 months later. You might think it’s a small problem but this is nevertheless a good story about how the small patches can activate something in your body.

8. Pain in the ribs relieved with the IceWave pain patch

A young woman I meet has had rib pain for several months and has been examined at length by tons of doctors. She comes to visit me after being recommended by her doctor to do so. I put an IceWave pain patch on her. It immediately relieves her pain, much to her own astonishment.

9. LifeWave – Self help

These are just a few of the endless reports of people that I’ve met and been able to help. Using LifeWave has really made a big difference for these people. The LifeWave patches are available to everyone. They are efficient and easy to use and they don’t have any chemicals or side effects.

I look forward to every day being able to help so many get better health and better quality of life. If you have a good story, then share it in the comment section below. It would be fun seeing how many tips we can gather!

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Annette Hammerich works with energy therapy and kinesiology on humans and animals, which has given her extensive personal and professional experience with LifeWave. Annette Hammerich is a very experienced dealer with very passionate and knowledgable when it comes to product use on animals. Contact information: +(45) 4264 7770 or ah@touch4health.dk. Visit www.touch4health.dk.


  1. Beautiful reading, which again confirms that LifeWave’s products are used in the right spirit, to such a degree can make a difference in the lives of humans / animals. Good to help.


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