Why you should love coconut and eat tons of it


The public space has for many years been plagued by “fat confusion”. The attitude has been that fat is the reason why we are overweight. We say: “Be careful – it’s fattening”. We say that you should eat light products. We have therefore been manipulated to reduce the fat with a lot of lifestyle illnesses as a consequence.

Allow me to start off with a bit of a fun approach. In these international times, there are a lot of peculiar things that we use in our daily language, basically without thinking about it. I’ll mention an example that I think is particularly entertaining and fun, but in reality covers a “cruel”, absolutely ignored truth.

The scenario is that you’re talking to someone who thinks that you may have a slightly reduced “mental function”, as in that you might have a screw or two loose. They might think that you’re you think you’re “stupid” and insult you by implying that you have a “fat deficiency”.

The shocking thing is that it’s a diagnosis that unfortunately suits a lot of people. You really might have a fat deficiency when you’re being stupid. Omega 3 and fatty acids are essential and should therefore be added to the body via your diet.

Fat deficiency is catastrophic

Let’s take a look at our “mental functions” first of all.
The thing is that our brain is a big gray mass mostly consisting of fats. A huge collection of nerve cells. The function of the brain is also dependent on fats, as the ones that carry out functions are the so-called neurotransmitters or signal substances.

Well-functioning nerve cells in the brain are vital to our mental well-being. When we look at the anatomical structure of a nerve cell, which is kind of like an electrical cord in a stereo. Inside we have a copper wire enclosed by a plastic coating. Applying this image to our nerve cells, that which encloses the brain’s copper lines is fats. This is specifically called myelin.

Virtually all nerve cells are built according to the same template. Eg. a cellular body, also called “soma”. Soma hosts the cellular nucleus itself. From there you have some pipelines called dendrites. These are signal recipients from nerve cells.

Next, there is a separate expirator called an “axon” that communicates with other cells via chemical signals. Here we’re also talking about “synapses”.

In order for all of these things to interact we rely on the right nutrients, including fats and proteins. So many issues in this context are due to lack of fats. Again, this means missing signals or various communication errors.

When things go wrong in the brain it’s often not a matter of healthy fats, but also a question of the cell not getting enough energy. The energy comes primarily from glucose (sugar).

Due to various causes, the cells may find it difficult to absorb glucose, which could easily not enter the cell. This particular type of fat called short and medium fatty acid is exciting. They can boost the ketonic metabolism. The energy cells, mitochondria, can “burn” the “ketones”, which can thus replace the “glucose”.

Coconut – the fat illusion

Back to “the fat illusion”. The fat illusion has contributed to pushing one of the most brilliant products of our consumption pattern – coconut. This is enforced by the strongly manipulating soy and margarine industry. However, this subject is way too big to include in this post.

The white coconut pump is mainly within the group saturated fats. But this type consists of short and medium fatty acids, which is very different from the saturated fat we know from animal products. So now you should also learn to distinguish between two types of saturated fats.

Saturated fat from coconut is God’s gift to humans. When the white fruit is pressed, liquid appears. We know it as coconut oil or coconut fat depending on the temperature. Coconut fat and coconut oil are therefore the same.

Coconut oil can do so much.

I’ll go into more detail about the blessings of the coconut in an upcoming post about coconuts.

Coconut’s magical properties

In conclusion, I’d like to emphasize that in addition to all the magical properties of coconut oil, the wide range of use is also very interesting.

Think about the entire palm tree. The leaves are used for roofing materials for example. Coconut wood has a natural resistance to termites. Coconut bark is the basis for a world of products including the known coconut mats. The bast is made of rope. Coconut bast is converted into coconut soil that is extremely nutritious. Jewelry made of coconut shells are so beautiful when polished completely smooth. Buttons, bowls and household utensils are made out of coconut shells. There is also coconut syrup and coconut sugar.

The contents of the coconut can be split into a multitude of defragmenting products, like for example coconut oil, coconut milk and coconut water. If you don’t squeeze the white coconut meat, then a sea of ​​other products can be made, like for example coconut flour and coconut flakes. I’m crazy about the slightly roasted version of these flakes.

So I’m not just saying that coconut is God’s gift to humanity.

Enjoy your coconuts!

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Steen Leithoff is a lecturer, motivator, coach and help others realize their goals as certified Goal Mapping Practitioner. Steen Leithoff also has a background as a knowledge facilitator in the health food industry, specializing in essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Steen is known for his pep talks about Theta Nutrition. Contact Info: www.steensforedrag.dk.


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