Home Authors Posts by Nadia Fryd

Nadia Fryd

Nadia Fryd has accepted the To Human experiment, which aims to test the LifeWave products. Nadia is a workout fanatic who loves challenges. She is very curious as to what will happen with both her body, energy level and psyche. She’s also hoping you readers will be inspired by her journey. Take what you can use and leave the rest. Follow Nadia Fryd on Instagram: 'nadiafryd’.

Sore or in pain? Read about my first encounter with body SDS

Do you sometimes get a sore neck, shoulders or pain elsewhere? Do you need more energy during the day? Then take a look at this. I was lucky enough to have my first body SDS treatment at...

My introduction to LifeWave: A patch on the forehead and an excited belly

How can patches actually strengthen your body? I have several times seen people with small round patches on their body in the gym, but I've never really paid much thought to it. Recently, I was introduced...

So ready! 12 thrilling weeks with LifeWave and body-sds

I love playing with my body and mind. What can we actually accomplish with it? Can we learn to control it for the benefit of achieving specific goals? I have been so happy for months,...