I am SO looking forward to the LifeWave event in Copenhagen!


It has now been two years since I first became acquainted with LifeWave and the great LifeWave products. I can say with certainty that they have made a difference for me. Not just when it comes to the use of the products, but also in terms of the personal journey it sent me on. LifeWave has aroused my curiosity on how the body works and I can’t stop myself from constantly thinking: “What else is possible?”

I am fascinated by how David Schmidt and LifeWave managed to bring old knowledge into the modern world, or as I like to call it “acupuncture and acupressure in nanotech edition”. This makes it easy for both you and me to use it and benefit from ancient teachings – and avoid having to put chemicals in our bodies.

Great event with at the Alavida launch

LifeWave visited Copenhagen in early 2015. I had no idea what was about to happen but could only conclude that those who had previously participated in the LifeWave events were wildly enthusiastic. It was so much an exciting day. My delight was like a high as I drove home!

David Schmidt was on stage, and that man can really tell, explain and share tips about how the products can be used in the most efficient way. At the event, it was announced that they would come back in the fall of 2015 and that there would be big news, so I raced home and bought a ticket as soon as possible.

And so finally it was autumn and I was off to the event once again. Oh yes, my expectations were definitely met. It was an exciting day when the Alavida skincare trio was launched – a day serum, a night cream and a patch to use at night. Read more here on the blog.

And then the team behind LifeWave came up on stage – oh boy! I was impressed with how David Schmidt and the team behind LifeWave understands the meaning of thinking outside the box. Granted, their American aura might seem a bit odd to Europeans, but you can always just smile and think about how great it is to be in a room full of positive people. It gives off great energy. As the grand finale was unveiled, they announced that they would come back in the fall of 2016.

I ordered the Alavida skincare range last year and tested it on myself. I am always a little skeptical about anything new, but I was not disappointed. On the contrary! AI could see a difference in my skin color and the way it radiated – and a reduction of…yes, wrinkles.

I enjoy both the smell, consistency and certainty of knowing that the product is “clean” and NOT chemical at all. I did feel like I ran out of the product quicker than expected, but there was an explanation for that. My daughter, 17, had also been a fan of it – without my knowledge. She has now chosen to invest in Alavida. Read more here.

WinFit – a new member of the LifeWave family!

winfit-launch-lifewaveNow it’s finally autumn and I’m just so excited. I, of course, bought the ticket immediately after last year’s event. I’m excited for September 17th when I’ll be spending the day with the LifeWave team from the US and a lot of happy users and distributors from both home and abroad.

Well, there are more news on the way. Recently there have been bunch of subject teasers, so we can kind of guess on what might await us this time. LifeWave has already opened up a bit about this year’s big surprise, so we’ve been spoiled with the knowledge a Better Body System is on the way. And not only that…the name has been published as well! Winfit is the new family member – a groundbreaking fat loss technology.

A brand new fat loss and body shaping system where no pills, diet and restrictions will result in loss of body fat while maintaining your muscle tone. This is paired with increased energy and overall wellness. It might sound crazy, but reading the reviews from the beta-testers is already making me super curious.

September 17th will be here before we know it! I’ll be alert on the day and sponge in all the knowledge that I possibly can. I will then, of course, test it out on myself. Can’t wait!

Are you curious? Don’t worry – I promise to share my day with you here on the blog shortly afterwards.


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I am interested in the body, health, and living well with a chronic disease. I have a background in the financiel world with 25 years of experience with number and facts. In 2014, my life changed. I became a distributor of LifeWave products. These days, I am a networker, ambassador, and distributor of LifeWave. Follow me on the Facebook page Maibody.


  1. Great writing my dear Mai-Britt. Yes, we are a lot of people who are looking forward to the LifeWave management reunion. We’re so excited to hear more details about this new concept of fat loss technology. It’s going to be so exciting…Woooooo


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