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Frank Hamann

Frank Hamann has been a LifeWave distributor since 2011. He is a dedicated user of LifeWave's product range and also uses LifeWave in his work as a plumber/project manager where there are many balls in the air. With these products from LifeWave Frank is able to avoid stress, get a better overview and find that he’s always in a better mood. LifeWave has also been a positive contribution throughout his cancer journey. In 2015, Frank was diagnosed with bowel cancer, but was fortunately enough declared cured after only six months. Contact Info: hamann70@hotmail.com or 61729632.

LifeWave can dampen ADHD symptoms

There was a time when ADHD was 'reserved for children' because ADHD was perceived as something that grew from. Today we know that the same kind of difficulties can occur in adults - but...

LifeWave, my loyal companion during cancer treatment

Throughout my life I have always been an active man when it comes to sports and exercise. I've almost never suffered from anything serious. It's always been a neighbor, colleague, etc., of mine who have...