Mother and daughter cries tears of joy due to LifeWave


November 2015

The Company car is driven from Jutland with Jesper Feldborg Dahl-Vedel and I. We are heading to intro evening in glorious surroundings on Djursland – namely Bønnerup Strand. We look forward. We know that there will be many people who had never heard of LifeWave.

What we do not yet know is that we just exactly this evening will witness a truly amazing success story that provides a lump in my throat and joy tear on the cheek.

We arrive at Bønnerup and get prepared for the presentation of the LifeWave. We talk a little with the wonderful people who have helped with the facilities and preparations and been a big part of this and the other intros that have been in Bønnerup.

The evening has begun. Many good questions crashing over Jesper, who is in good shape. He answers specific to the questions also critical: Is LifeWave pyramid? Is it a placebo? etc. A really nice intro with good company of many positive people.

Then the intro over and we need to play with “stickers” as we say. It is now LifeWave patches were talking about. The patches relieves / alleviates various pain, tenderness, etc.

We know in advance that LifeWave has some great products, but tonight we become witnesses of a girl and her mother, who burst into tears of joy. I must be honest to admit that I even get a tear rolling and a lump in my throat. How great is it to see that a single Y-Age Aeon patch in the neck can make a difference. Suddenly everything is much better, yes the girl called Sophie, seeing it as the same situation before she became ill. The comments between mother and daughter: What happens? Does it hurt? No mom. There is nothing – neither anxiety or pain. It feels normal again.

There is a sense of joy that fills the room. Sure enough most of Sofie and her mother, but the rest of us can not help but be a little hit too – in a good way.

I can spend a long time writing a lot about the girl’s background, but nothing is as you know better than to hear it from her own mouth. I have had close contact with her since that night. I help and assist her when she needs guidance or have questions. I have so much to say that Sophie is a girl who is both sensible, positive and in Central America. So with the permission of her comes a life story that is worth your time to read, and you hopefully can see how great products from LifeWave is.

When 20 year old Sofie encounters LifeWave

It starts 20 years ago, when I was born. I have a really good childhood, where I am active. I have a horse since I am six years and goes to handball and other recreational activities after school.

When I get in the teenage years, it all becomes a bit more complicated, but it is doing it at all. One’s body is changing. It makes my too – so much.

I remember that I sit up at the doctor one day. My mother is. I need the pill when I have large menstrual pain. On my mother’s side of the family is a faulty gene, which among other aims that have a greater tendency to thrombosis (blood’s ability coalition). My mother wants me tested for the faulty gene, if I need birth control pills. So there must be a blood test.

Three months later I get answers. We are all called up to the doctor to hear it. The doctor says that I tested positive. It will say that I am ill. At that time, I just turned 16 years. I know not much about the disease. I have only heard the name a few times. The doctor says that it is not a dangerous disease, and that I can live a lifetime without coming to feel anything for it. So think the doctor that I can get the mini pill.

Exactly three weeks after that I get the pill, I get the first stroke. I admitted to Randers Hospital and later moved to Aarhus University Hospital. I am hospitalized about three to four months. While I was in hospital, I can not use my legs. It’s clear and blue. I get strong painkillers several times a day and for a lot of studies all the time. It is not only hard for me, but of course also for my family.

My parents and brothers have been there for me throughout. They have been the biggest support for me. They have me lie in the ditch, and they’ve seen me fly again. After about 3-4 months I come home and come quietly into a life with my two crutches, and a tenth class which I need to do done. After a long rehabilitation period I come with both crutches.

The doctors take immediate COC from me. Later, however, I two blood clots more. It all goes more or less the same way as the first stroke. At 1.5 years, I have received three blood clots.

The blood clots have given me a great deal. Both positively and negatively. Positively, it has made me sure of myself, made me more mature and adult. I have found out what friends and family members who are there for me. Negatively it has given me scarred, but worst of all, I have chronic pain in my legs. It feels like I’ve always had growing pains, like worry.

In November 2015, I take my mother to a lecture about LifeWave. I’ve never heard of it, and when I hear about it, I think it’s hocus-pocus. Despite all my skepticism I get a Y-Age Aeon patch in the neck, for one can not comment on something you have not tried.

So what happens is most amazing: For the first time in five years, I can not feel anything in my legs. My legs feel like before I got the blood clots. My mother and I burst into tears of joy. It is a great moment for me. All the things I’ve been for the last year to assist in the daily pain, and all the money that has been spent. One Aeon patch from LifeWave and suddenly all that before I became ill. My restlessness and leg pain is gone.

Since November I have had Y-Age Aeon patch every day. I go to work every day is to renovate the house with my girlfriend and doing everything else that was not possible before I tried plastic are. I’ve even been on my first trip to Tenerife.

Before I had days when I could not get out of bed of pain. There I should have help just to get to the toilet. Every time I had to have painkillers, I called my mother because I had to adjust my medicines. Every time I took a pill, I had to ask my mother what I should do what and how much I had to take the different things.

I’m a big fan of LifeWave. I have already recommended it to many and told about LifeWave even more. It is certainly the product that I put very most. A special thanks to Rune Bødker Sørensen and Jesper Feldborg Dahl-Vedel and all the others I have met. Thanks for your advice and support to me through this.

How to get pain relief with LifeWave

Y-age Aeon from LifeWave is an anti-stress patch that enters and affects the autonomic nervous system in the body, so that after just 10 minutes a balanced effect. This means that the body after just 10 minutes with this patch is a quiet and stress-free state.

Y-Age Aeon also lowers the C-reactive protein. The reason for that C-reactive protein increases due to inflammation and stress in the body. It may damage healthy tissue and DNA.

Y-age Aeon …

  • stabilize and balance the autonomic nervous system
  • reduce physical and mental stress in the body
  • reduces inflammation in the body
  • performing brain and improves concentration ability
  • improves overall health.

Corsentials from LifeWave consisting of Y-Age Aeon, Activate Theta One and Theta. All this combined means that it can relieve stress, support, and improve immune function, regulate hormonal activities and maintain tissues and organs.

In Sophie’s case, the body has probably been extremely stressful for blood clots in the legs, etc. It probably means that she has had great pain and restlessness in the legs, which can be remedied with Aeon. Now Sofie started using Corsentials, which I otherwise even extremely happy user of.

Are you looking for pain relief and improved quality of life? Then try LifeWave

After Sophie is now well underway with Corsentials (Y-Age Aeon, Theta One and Theta Activate), she feels that she consumes significantly less pain medication than before she started with LifeWave products – nothing less than fantastic.

It makes me very happy to see that she has many more good days and more in daily routines. It’s great to get a better quality of life. Life Wave is 100 percent natural products without chemistry, and there are no side effects. I just hope that even more people dare to try it on your own body to see if it works. It happens at least not anything about.

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Rune is a trained captain and he enjoys being active within the LifeWave network when he’s not out sailing. Rune became acquainted with LifeWave in 2014 and has through LifeWave met a lot of positive and wonderful people. He has also had great success with the LifeWave products on both himself as well as helped others address various problems.


  1. Welcome to the blog and make a great story to put out with <3

    You become happy completely into the bones every time you experience being able to make a difference in a human life

    Good Saturday


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