Natural life

Here on our blog you can read all about well-being, the great beauty and why you should always use natural plant-based skin care - WITHOUT any chemicals. The best tips for beautiful legs, beautiful natural nails, silky skin and healthy feet. You can read all about how you can reduce wrinkles, lines and bumps on your skin. Read about how to increase skin firmness, even out discolorations and how to get youthful, glowing skin.

Is your smartphone ready for your new online LifeWave guide?

Why doesn't the To Human app work on my phone? I can't install it. I've tried so many times. What do I do? Does the To Human app work on iPad and tablets? Can I pay...

How to delay the decay of your husband

40+, 50+, 60+ or ​​70+. Men's body chemistry changes with age. As men get older, their falling testosterone level gradually, and as the years go with increasing speed. Even when a man is about...