Increased performance on the bike with LifeWave


It’s once again time to write another blog entry. It’s been a while since I last gave you guys an update on how things are going with using LifeWave in my training. Summer is the peak season for the sport – both on the road and with the Tour de France.

I’ve been through a lot lately. The summer started with bad news about my injuries. I competed in the District Championships on June 26th. It broke me. The race was not that I figured since I was not at full strength yet. There was strong crosswind and 12 men who run around in front of the box, so it was a tough game to help monitor the wind for my “captain” … Fortunately, there are more tailwind.

Tim-Cronqvist-3.pladsBetter endurance with Corsentials

After the District Championship I was in for a hard workout. At the same time, I reached before the next race all four weeks with Corsentials. Saturday, July 2 were run road race in Copenhagen just outside the zoo. The race is a good preparation for a tough workout up to August (right now) where I need to form peaks. I did the course perfectly. I came with two other erupting through virtually the entire race and finished third in my second A-race completed. I could not have done without my new companion Corsentials from LifeWave.

LifeWave products are being used to help in my recovery. I put Carnosine on where I feel sorry for example on my thighs. I also started drinking Corsentials with Theta One and Theta Activate, which helps me to be more fresh in the morning. I have more endurance on the long trip with more than four hours on the bike. Here I feel that I have more energy longer than I usually have, and that the shape is getting better.

My new coach is world class. He understands my needs and helps me to really focus on training. At the same time, I have good help and support in my LifeWave coach Egon Nielsen. All summer is gone with hard training and to use Corsentials as a daily supplement.

3 tips for better results in sports

I’ve got three good advice from Egon. Egon Nielsen is also behind the development of TOHUMAN app and quality assurance of the many protocols that now exist in the app – and he’s blogger also sometimes on this site.

Here is Egon’s three pieces of advice:

  1. Carnosine for knee pain
    Tim has had problems with his knee after a crash and been studies where he has been diagnosed with a “bruise” on the inside of his knee. I recommended Carnosine patch at night for a week; one on the front of the knee and behind the knee. Tim has not long sore knee.
  2. Corsentials daily for endurance
    As further measures to Tim’s training and building, I have recommended Tim to use Corsentials every day. Tim used the product since June 1, and the gain begins to prove now (more fresh, more persevering and probably other things, he has not discovered yet)
  3. Sportsprotokoller
    In his training I recommended that Tim use the protocols sports performance 1 & 2, which can be found on the TOHUMAN app. He has still to come, but experience also shows here on the blog that most achieve good effect.

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He has several international championships in the bag. He has participated in the European Championships in track cycling and has been selected for the Trofeo Carlsberg with the national team. In addition to this he has won major Danish stage races and one day races. The cyclist Tim Vang Cronqvist has been racing four years. He is extremely focused on achieving the goals he sets for himself. In 2015 he tested the LifeWave products as they are known to increase athletes’ energy and endurance. Tim also got great results from the patches. To Human would therefore like to support Tim in achieving better results as a sponsor of the LifeWave products and the To Human app. Tim has in turn promised to tell us all about the effect he achieves and how he uses the To Human app as a tool. Follow him here!


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