WinFit start: Your guide to weight-loss and a great-looking body


I’ve received many inquiries while we’ve anxiously been waiting for our package containing the new WinFit to land in the mail. People have been asking the following: Is it hard to stick with the system while having a busy life? Is it really for me? How do you do it? How fast will I get results? Will the results stay? Is it true that I don’t have to do any tough workout? Can I eat what I want?…

To this I can say: WinFit is for anyone who wants to reduce their body weight and improve their body shape by lowering their fat percentage while having increased growth in muscle mass. This is no matter the person looks and how much they weigh.

No intense exercise

WinFit has made it easy. There are no dietary restrictions except for eating from the healthy segment. There are no boring diets or dietary changes and it requires no tough workout or intense exercise. In fact, you can get away with just 10 minutes of physical activity twice a week. By doing this you can achieve results you never thought possible. The first results, like increased energy comes just days after starting – NOT months. And it’ll remain that way!

Of course, it is also possible to exercise/work out more but studies show that 2 x 10 minutes is enough to set off the desired combustion. In fact, we recommend that those who weigh more than +15 kg only use the standard time at the beginning. Why? Well, as to not overload the joints and back at the start. Those who weigh less than 15 kg too much, and those who might be close to being normal weight and simply want to get into shape and increase their muscle mass, can use interval training HIIT exercise. This is where you put more pressure on your body, which will give greater “post-combustion”. This will be mentioned in a later blog post.

Eat smarter – improve your combustion

As mentioned in my previous blog post, I will once again emphasize that LifeWave’s new WinFit Body Shape System is NOT a weight loss program. It is a process where you change your metabolism – your nutrient turnover – so that your inner “machine” burns fat in the way it was created to. It can only be done properly if you have sufficient amount of muscle, daily replenishment and enough building blocks in the form of protein, vegetables and carbohydrates similar to common and sensible diet. In short, they follow a system with a day program and combine that with healthy eating and moderate physical activity. It sounds simple and it is!

The essential use of WinFit consists of basically eating all your food within an 8-hour “window”. This would either be at. 10-18 or PM. 11-19 PM, or whenever it works for you. If you’re hungry outside the “window”, you have eaten too little! When you eat this way, you’ll get a more stable food intake over a third of the day. The down-time your body will stay calm, partly to burn and to recharge. Your insulin in particular will be balanced and your insulin tolerance will be improved. You’ll also have better combustion at a cellular level to benefit your entire metabolism.

5 things you can achieve with WinFit

  • Loss of body fat
  • Smaller body measurements where you’d like it and a more beautiful body shape
  • Increased energy and improved mood
  • A general increase in well-being and increased muscle tone
  • Increased muscle mass growth.

WinFit has a different point of view on weight loss

As people approach 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+ and so on. (This is individual), many experience that the “slow” life creeps in. We are doing less physical activity, we have sedentary jobs, drive more than before, get little or no exercise, etc. These are all factors that results in loss of muscular capacity.

Reduced physical activity will most likely lead to a redistribution of fat versus muscle mass, with increased fat and a more slender musculature. This, combined with excessive or improper caloric intake, will often lead to a lack of ideal building blocks in terms of diet. This will in turn lead to the excess and unwanted fat. The negative trend can be reversed with WinFit – and it’s so easy!

How to get started with WinFit

fedttab-lifewave1. Set a goal

What do you look like today? Take a good look at yourself. Figure out how much you’d like to lose or how you’d like to change the shape of your body. Then set a goal.

2. Calculate your body fat percentage

A few good tools is to figure out your body fat percentage. Then you have a parameter to follow and compare from week to week and month to month and be happy about your progress, which will come quickly. You can purchase this service from a professional. You can also online find various online calculators that can guide you through this process.

3. Choose a personal daily program

LifeWave has made it simple for you to choose a daily program. It comes with the package. You can follow two people who have started WinFit in my next post on this blog. They are now in the process of making dreams come true.

Their daily program looks like this:

  • At 07.00 – Get up and drink a half liter of water right away. It’ll start the combustion.
  • At 07:15 – Work out, take a walk or do some more intense exercising, all according to your weight.
  • At 08.00 – Apply the WinFit patch. This is when the fat burning actually begins. This supports the combustion you’ve already set in motion while exercising or taking your walk.
  • At 11-19 – here you have your 8-hour window where you eat everything you need to. If you get hungry outside of these eight hours, you’re eating too little and irregularly. Eat from the healthy segment – eg. equal amounts of protein, carbohydrate and vegetables and fruit. Decrease protein snacks or shake, if needed.
  • At bedtime – 30-60 minutes before bedtime, drink half a liter of Theta One. Just before bedtime you should remove the WinFit patch and put on the Carnosine patch to one of the designated points. The patch is invigorating and cell regenerating and helps support your ongoing combustion.

WinFit-opstartspakke4. What is included in your 30-day starter kit

  • Theta Nutrition, containing Theta One – 2 boxes and a bottle of Activator
  • 1 package of WinFit patches (30 pcs.)
  • 1 package of Carnosine patches (30 pcs.) – And instructions for where to put the two patches
  • WinFit – System guide/user manual
  • General information
  • Daily schedule for a week, Monday to Sunday, for four weeks
  • Access to online workout videos related to WinFit
  • Possibility of weekly webinar by David Schmidt
  • Opportunity weekly ask David Schmidt questions about what is important when using WinFit and LifeWave and other products, along with all other users.


5. Overwhelming results after just a few days

Using WinFit for just a few days has had remarkable results for many of our testers. Read more about that here.
Soon you’ll have the opportunity to follow the above mentioned persons here on the blog. They’re only just now starting to make their dreams of lasting change a reality.

Are you motivated? Get advice and support

Are you hoping to achieve lasting change? Would you like to burn fat and build muscle while getting a better and healthier life with more energy and a leaner, stronger body that suits you?

Let me help you get started. I will help you get WinFit and get you started. I’ll give you advice, help you and and guide you throughout the whole process – so please contact me.

There is only one thing left to ask: What do you want to look like in just 30 days?

Previous articleHighly motivated for the coming biking season with LifeWave
Next articleThe new, groundbreaking weight-loss concept WinFit eliminates the diet
The modern human struggles with many physical and mental challenges. This makes thinking about your health more important than ever. It is important to stay balanced. This is is Kim Hody's focus. Kim Hody is an educated physical therapist who has worked extensively in the art of teaching and providing prophylaxis and manual therapy. Kim Hody is a PE teacher and has worked with treatment and counseling in sports, exercise, diet and nutrition for many years. In his spare time he is an avid exerciser and swimmer. Contact info: + (45) 5190 1271 or


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