5 fantastic health tips that really work! See here if you’re curious


I’ve always been doing good things for my body. I want a healthy body, but it’s hard to navigate through so much input and opinions about what is healthy. What’s right today may be wrong tomorrow

Like a lot of other people out there, I’ve gone through periods where I’ve felt more or less wrong all the time. I didn’t feel like I could live up to the “standards” present in today’s society.

Today I am in my 40’s, have grown-up children and more peace in my life. I no longer focus on what I think I need to live up to or on what others think. I focus on what health is for me. I have found my way to a good life. I have found out what works for me and my family in the everyday life we have. Now there is just a wonderful flow in the week where it feels healthy and sensible to exist.

Here are my 5 best health tips – 5 tips that are amazing for me. Yes, they work. I promise.

1) Plan a balanced diet

If you plan a varied diet, you’ll generally end up eating healthier. You avoid all the quick, stupid decisions when you’re under pressure and stress.

I am very fond of having a balanced, varied diet. Nothing is forbidden, but everything by the way, and so it should be homemade. Such has always been – even when my children were young and everyday life was more hectic. I only make a large portion of chicken in curry, spinach lasagna, fish tanks or the like, so there will be two days or a rest.

We often have a weekday called “re-dispatch”. The busiest day comes in with the remnants of the week, perhaps refreshed with something. In fact, we have a small delicious buffet.

And so I plan! I make a food plan for the week and buy it after that. So it may be that you’re moving around or deleting, because it’s also important to be impulsive. But the plan makes me rarely spend time on the difficult question “What should we eat tonight?” in the afternoon when you are tired.

Sunday is often my cut day. So I spend an hour of good music and then put vegetables in bags. No matter how late I’m at home, I can always go for example. cut cabbage, pepper, carrots and throw in a wok of coconut milk, and then if necessary. roasted nuts on. If you are small-minded and think it’s hard to get healthy homemade food on the table, then use my cutlery. An hour on Sundays is really well given, because there is delicious food ready for both afternoon and evening meals.

2) Build a strong body that’s in balance

A strong and healthy body is a body in balance. Focus on what kind of exercise is good for you. If you feel hurt, find out how to exercise optimally without straining your body. It can be a huge help to get a personal trainer for a period of time. Perhaps you should also consider/supplement with alternative alternatives. That’s what I do.

It is so important to keep your body in reasonable shape. It is designed for movement and will not be weak and weak if you stop. Perhaps you have a disease that causes pain, and then the thought can be unreadable.

The amazing thing about the body is that it secretes adrenaline by exercising sports, and it culminates in pain. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and it may be tempting to sit in the chair and just feel sorry. Fortunately, I have learned many tricks for eg. breathing and exercise that allows pain to be kept away or down.

I hired a personal trainer. I told my trainer about the things I can’t do and what works for me, like for example that I have a hand strain. And that was a wonderful gift. A personal trainer can tailor a program that trains your body in many ways without making unnecessary strain. It is so important to build a strong core that can carry you the rest of your life.

I prioritize spending money on getting a good body therapy treatment, healing, acupuncture, BARS or similar to balance the body. I want balance because it gives me a good rest. I also prioritize spending money on LifeWave products – again yes, it’s expensive, but it seems like acupuncture and is out of chemistry and side effects. I can avoid for example. to use pain reliever pills. I can help my body to maintain the good life.

3) Smile to the world – it’ll make you happy (and healthy)

Practice focusing on all the good that takes place, rather than the one thing that can bring you all the way down to the coal cellar. A positive mind only gives a life of higher quality of life…and probably also indirectly increased health. Write down 3 good things you’ve experienced every day.

I’m definitely not the type that goes around and is forever happy. I have experienced difficult things that have been incredibly hard and influenced me a lot. Buuuut..taking responsibility for my life and my happiness has been a big eye-opener. Initially, my strategy was just: “Fake it ’til you make it” – so smile, be happy, laugh. Focus on the positive, it’ll inevitably make you happy. And yes, it works! I have so far focused on the positive.
I’m much better at tearing in the invisible elastic I have put on my wrist, to snatch me out of situations that I’d previously suffered from negatively affecting me.

When you smile then the brain jumps on the joke and is actually happy. I do not say that one must suppress the difficult emotions, meaning one must learn to accept and be in them – and focus on happiness and optimism.

4) Accept and love yourself

Now, push yourself to the edge. Accept yourself as you are. Too many people demand so much of themselves that they end up in an eating disorder or overtraining and completely out of balance with their body.

I also weigh 5 kilos too much like so many other women – but I no longer penalize myself for it. I love my body with the stretch marks my births have given. I love my scars from youth’s courage. I’m also fine that my stomach folds when I’m sitting. I’ve even given up to suck my belly for a whole evening. I straighten my back and smile and know that I live a wonderful life. The 5 extra kilos are not decisive to my and others’ view of me (besides relieving the feelings of someone else about one when you grow up because you rest a lot more in yourself).

5) Nevermind!

Nevermind! It simply has to be the most important word in this post. I use it myself often and say again and again to my children that they should remember to use it. It’s OK to not always to be perfect.

It’s so incredibly important not to let go when things get crooked when the surroundings give resistance when the body does not want when the food plan goes whistling and ends with pizza when the mind becomes negative. Be in the feeling and acknowledge it: “Hmmm, right now I’m sad, hurt, or something else. Then say: Nevermind – take a timeout. Believe me, letting go can be extremely liberating.

What are your own favorite health tips? Share them here. Remember that Sharing is caring.

I send you all lots of love and good thoughts and hope that you can use one or two things off of this list to balance your life. If you want to try the BARS treatment or products from LifeWave, please feel free to contact me. I now have extensive experience distributing and treating with LifeWave products.

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I am interested in the body, health, and living well with a chronic disease. I have a background in the financiel world with 25 years of experience with number and facts. In 2014, my life changed. I became a distributor of LifeWave products. These days, I am a networker, ambassador, and distributor of LifeWave. Follow me on the Facebook page Maibody.


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