Achieve a body in balance with body-SDS and LifeWave



These words come from the body SDS treater Jeespeer Dalgaard, who on a daily treats people at his clinic BodyCheck in Copenhagen. Jeespeer Dalgaard is one of several specialists and technical experts that I’ve chosen to interview here on the blog for the topic quality of life and health during busy days.


Jeesper Dalgaards focal point is the body SDS treatments. He draws also on a background as a teacher at body SDS training, training instructor, personal trainer, nutritional therapist and real therapist. body SDS treatment he combines such meditation, exercise instructions, lifestyle coaching, nutritional counseling and LifeWave energy patches and other relevant products, among other LifeWave.

Precisely the latter is a focus here on the blog. I have therefore asked Jeesper Dalgaard how he combines body SDS treatments with the use of LifeWave products when it comes to the most common problems he encounters in his clinic. Problems that we all know and which comes at the most inconvenient times – namely: Shoulder pain, neck pain, lumbago mm Jeespeer also provides four tips on how to create lasting changes so you can get a body in balance.

Q&A with Jeespeer Dalgaard:

What is body SDS?

All the feelings we have, sits in the body. It can be a pent-up anger, anxiety or performance anxiety. A body SDS treatment helps to release body tension – both the sudden pain and chronic conditions that we have carried on for years. All these things that create more profits both physically and mentally.

What are the most common pain that people have?

The very typical pain is neck pain, pain in the back and pain in the lower back and shoulders. The pain occurs because we as modern people live as we do. Many people know that they suddenly get hold of the neck or the like, if they have slept askance at night or made a wrong move.

Why do we experience pain?

When we suddenly get hold of the neck, there is often something that goes before and that is the real reason we have become more vulnerable to injury. Stiffnesses and blockages accumulate over time. It may be that we have stressed our body for an extended period of time and gradually have many accumulated wastes that make us vulnerable to pain and soreness right now.

Today, a lot of people have sedentary work. We sit down most of the day, but the body is not built for it. Then we sit in a position with pressure on the back and the neck. We may also be mentally stressed. We forget to drink water, get too many fast carbohydrates, and we physically stress the body. We really know that it’s bad, but on a busy day we just do not get it on it.

When we are so busy, we often end up crossing the body when we are going to exercise. The motion is just squeezed into our busy schedule, and we may go too hard for it. Therefore, there is not much to do before we get simple damages, for example, to twist on the foot. If we are relaxed, flexible and strong in the joints, then we can give up if we go wrong, so we completely avoid getting hurt. If we are relaxed, we get an injury, it will also typically be less and faster than if the body is stressed.

When you use the LifeWave products?

LifeWave products can be used by everyone to improve quality of life and reduce inflammation. However, it is very different when I take them in use, and what I use their products. I often use LifeWave associated with pain for people who have an acute problem – especially if there is inflammation.

Those coming by backache, stiff neck or a witch shot, it may be difficult to make body SDS treatments as the very first. The body goes very easily in resistance when you start to deal with. When I use acupuncture patches from LifeWave, I suddenly stir and begin to treat the problem and get much deeper than I would otherwise have the opportunity. Alone with body SDS treatments will usually require many more treatments. So here is a good synergy.

Another scenario could be that people have pain that is not so acute, but as you might have worn long. It may be recurrent headaches, tension headaches, neck and shoulder pain or back problems. In that case, I give the body a body SDS treatment first. It sets in motion flow and cleansing the body. If I can see that I can enhance the effect further, so I finish treatment of the LifeWave patches. 70 percent can use the products to reduce the pain further 20-30 percent. When I finish with LifeWave patches are the body more susceptible to the effect, because it has already stimulated and the whole system works better.

Some also nervous related problems like strained joints or non-movable joints. It can be experienced as numbness and pain in the arms and legs. One can also have problems with digestion. When you are stressed, so downgraded all digestion, growth, and repair processes. We sleep less and end up in a vicious circle. Here we treatments and patches create circulation again.

As you get further into the treatment I look at what options there are to adjust to bad habits and live differently, to make sure that you don’t end up in pain again. I always presents opportunities without any pressure, as there may be many reasons why you do not want the big lifestyle changes right now (ie. Lack of profits). So is there maybe room for it at a later date.

How do the acupuncture patches from LifeWave work?

Pain is defined by the fact that there is an energy blocking. If you unblock and create flow again, one can terminate the pain very acute. Sometimes these energy blockages a form of self teams. The problem is over, but the body remembers the condition. It has gone into lock. Once we’ve done up to the problems, so there has been a hole through the dam, free flow again. Other times have to do better. So it requires more body SDS treatments.

The patches IceWave, Y-Age Aeon and Glutathione patches regulates and relaxes the nervous system and in respect of the damage will occur inflammation (the body’s way to repair itself on). If you can create this energy flow, so creating a flow and the conditions under which the body can heal faster. If we use antibiotics or Panodiler so inhibits we actually repair process a little. LifeWave patch stimulates the body to produce more glutathione, the body’s main antioxidant. This means that all other antioxidants are lifted up when glutathione levels increase. By giving the body better glutathione via patches, force is not the body, but the body heal naturally, and you do not have the side effects of medication.

4 tips for lasting and healthy lifestyle changes

The issues we are talking about here and now part of the modern reality we find ourselves in. But how can we find a way that makes us better can be the life we now once. Here are Jeesper Dalgaards four tips:


1. Drink lots of water
It is important to drink a lot of fluid and reduce the intake of coffee and other soft drinks – including milk. By drinking more water you can really make a big difference to your health and your energy level. Thinking about 75 kg, you should drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily.


2. Invest in a juicer
When we talk about healthy nutrition, it is a little more complicated than that. It is a subject with many emotions associated, many ingrained habits, so here are the changes you have to make often very individual, if they are to create lasting change. Lasting change requires time, and the more stressed we are, the less we need to change the gangen.Den trap many fall into is the intake of fast carbohydrates – candy dish and Cola. If you want to reduce sugar cravings, should stabilize blood sugar. The easiest place to start is to launch a juicer. If you get the green juice every day, based on mainly dark green vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli, etc.), you strengthen the body with vitamins and minerals and have less sugar cravings. Juice is a hot topic, and there are many wonderful recipes. Use them like. Most contain, however, too much fruit, adjust the amount of fruit and vegetables down the volume up, you’re doing something for yourself.

sport-lifewave3. Find a form of exercise that suits you

As a training instructor I put much emphasis on what your body can handle. What is the most effective, is not as interesting as what is fun to do. If the fun is starting, so burning is often out. Currently it is a trend to make an Ironman or work hard crossfit, which basically is nothing wrong with. However, when we are stressed, high-intensity can often be an additional stress factor in a glass which is filled in advance. Many have a New Year’s resolution, but it’s actually very few who implement and it is often due to the ambitions become too high – habit changes are too ambitious, and perhaps a lack of a healthy subject. Think about that lavintensitetstræning as it is a walk in the woods can make a difference – especially when we are stressed. It is not me who treat or coach who dictates. It is always your needs as you and your trainer should be based on. Remember that exercise is the stimulus for creation, but that nutrition and rest are essential ingredients for everything that happens subsequently.


4. Use LifeWave patches

LifeWave patches are acupuncture without needles, how to create flow and flow in the body. I often use the patches in my treatment, but just as often I advise for self-treatment. That way you can procrastinate between body SDS treatments. LifeWave patches may help to balance your nervous system, you can purge the body with a detoxkur or use them for pain relief and stress management or for migraine. If you are well hydrated and nourished with minerals is the advantage of patches that you can quickly find out whether they help. Typically, within a day or within a few months, depending on what the cause is.


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2014 was the year I began my first foray into LifeWave. I chose to test all the products on my own body. I changed my diet and had a targeted training programme made. It has turned around my life 180 degrees. To Human is a concept I made to increase the quality of life for myself and for others. To Human blog is a forum, a magazine, and a knowledge-sharing centre for LifeWave enthusiasts - human to human. The To Human app is an online guide, helping you step-by-step with the use of your LifeWave products on-the-go.


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