How to get easily through menopause


Do you feel like thousands of other British women around the age of 50? Do you suffer from several symptoms of menopause, like mood swings, hot flashes, reduced libido and weight gain? Then take look at this. Maybe you can avoid all the troubles and enjoy life instead of going through all the things that I have.

I am 56 years old and has already been the whole repertoire through. To this were not enough, so it all started before I was 45 years. It’s not just what you would expect. I have tried countless of advice. I’ve got hormone pills, hormone patch, headache pills, various foods etc.

At one point in 2014 I thought I had read enough about how “dangerous” all these hormone pills and various other things were. Nothing that I tried, worked optimally. So I started searching the Internet to see if maybe there was not an alternative. In my seeking and searching I came across LifeWave. I can not remember quite how I came up with the article, but I distinctly remember the story so much caught my interest. After several weeks of reading and home studies of LifeWave products, I was ready to buy. I found out that I had to have the help of someone who already distributor. I came up with a distributor in Denmark that I contacted.

In November 2014 I bought my first package from LifeWave. I was so curious on LifeWave that I immediately went all-in and bought a LifeWave Gold package. I used throughout December to read more and try out several protocols with more or less success.

In January 2015, I stopped completely with hormone patch. I went in earnest with the protocols of menopause and hot flashes. Since the day it all changed. I have not taken any hormone treatment nor other forms of headache pills and the like. I have suffered from headaches and migraines throughout my life. It is also over.

Protocol against hot flashes – this is how I do it!

The protocol that I use for hot flashes, watching these out:

I use the patches from Y-age series and SP6 Complete. Y-Age series I use in day hours, and SP6 Complete will I also sit on at night:

  • Y-Age Aeon on location 1 – 3 – 5
  • Y-Age Carnosine on location 4
  • Y-Age Glutathione on location 1 – 3 – 5
  • SP6 Complete the placement 1 – 2 – 3

Sometimes I keep a break of a week, but at the slightest change then I started again.

I hope that with my advice can save yourself for the many frustrations that I have had and can get great pleasure from this. It’s all a little more fun and quality of life are just higher when you come easier through menopause. Good luck.


What you should know about menopause

  • Menopause typically runs from 45 to 55 years of age
  • Menopause starts when your periods become irregular
  • 75 percent of all women in menopause have genes as hot flushes, sweating, insomnia, palpitations, bleeding disorders, etc.
  • The time of the last menstruation is called menopause. The average age of menopause in British women is 51 years old.

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Bente Nyeboe came across LifeWave in 2014 when she was looking for something to help her with her menopause symptoms as she had previously used hormone pills and hormone patches. Bente got in touch with a distributor and today she’s a big fan of the patches and skin care series Alavida from LifeWave. Bente Nyeboe is a LifeWave distributor herself today, primarily from her home in Switzerland. Contact Info:


  1. Such a nice reading – how you were curious about trying something other than the traditional (which you had limited effect).

    Welcome to your new natural house pharmacy

    Lovely sunday

  2. Hi Jeanette
    Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, it’s after the small booklets. It is easier to use than acupuncture numbers. Kind regards, Bente

  3. Hi Pia

    I’m glad you liked my post. I use them in turn, even though there are certain points that seem to me better than others. When I change, it feels like the body gets like a little push :-). Kind regards, Bente


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