Malene quitting smoking with LifeWave – the first four weeks (part 3)


It’s March 1st – yes how things have gone lately. We can start from the top.

PART 1: Did not you read Malene’s first post about stopping smoking – so read it here

Day 1. I am a ticking bomb, I can beat everyone and everything to death. Once it is found, I hasten to find a LifeWave Y-Age Aeon patch, which I put on LI4 on the right. I also find a Silent Nights patch and put it on the K27, right. It gives me the peace that I need.

Day 2. My inner voice trying to convince me that I need to smoke. I change my LifeWave SP6 Complete patch that I have seated behind the left ear with a new one. I am on top and can cope with the world.

Day 3. Shut up smoking is a bad smell. Think they can possibly bear to be with themselves! I have really developed me into a conflict bitch, but I do not say to them that they smell. I actually thought that it is shameful and embarrassing that I’ve got other people to smell my smoke through all the years I was smoking.

Day 4. Thursday morning at Grønttorvet: Of course you can smoke a little smoke with his regular supplier. Phew, it tastes nasty thanks SP6 Complete. But come on an inner peace – a calmness that I can not describe. It is the tranquility that I have hunted and not had for me since I put out my last cigarette.

Day 6. A test without equal. Dinner at my beautiful sister with her boyfriend and one of her vennepar. Whew, it becomes hard: 3 smokers and me. Why is it a struggle? Why, I see it as if they were against me? I surrender after supper and smoke around five cigarettes that night.

A week has passed. I, but I have to pull myself together to get up on the horse. I’m back, back in time with the excuses. Seriously, I have the backbone of a worm…

Smoking and addiction

Week 2 andI would as such not go into detail. I have fought against alleys. I have found that I have many feelings associated with being a smoker. Emotions and stress that I have to work with before I can be completely non-smoking. I will not beat myself over the head that I not stopped completely smoking. It will probably not help.

Week 4 LifeWave patches do that I do not want to smoke. SP6 Complete make a cigarette taste very ugly. This reduces the urge to smoke. All together really well. But the tranquility a cigarette gives, I’ve very difficult to achieve. My colleague Kim Brems has written a blog here on about addiction (you can read the full post here). It’s just how I feel. The stress that comes when I can not just take a smoke. I think it’s incredibly thoughtful to our dependence also affects the stress in the body.

Week 5 is just beginning, and I’ve drawn a line in the sand. Back in the saddle. I will in future use the LifeWave patches Kim Brems describes it in his blog about addiction. I hope it is an optimal support to achieve the final steps to be non-smoking.

I do not consider myself as non-smoking – yet. I have gone from smoking around 20 cigarettes a day for about 5 cigarettes a day. ONLY 5 cigarettes. Now I am more than half way. However, the weight increased by 1.5 kg, but it may be so much more than the alleys.

Testing the new LifeWave protocol – read more on April 1st

During the upcoming weeks I’ll be trying out the protocol ‘Addition’ in the To Human app. Follow me on April 1st! I’ll be answering the following questions: 

  • How is week 6 to week 9?
  • Has my weight increased more?
  • Have I gotten to grips with the feelings and the stress that I have to work through?
  • How can LifeWave support me in the fight against smoking?
  • Does the protocol in the To Human app work?
  • Did the worm get a bigger backbone?

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In connection with my work as a self-employed florist, I was lacking energy and surplus to get me through the day. It is tough getting up between 3 and 4 in the morning. The energy and surplus is achieved with LifeWave's products. The products afford us so much energy - both the two-legged and four-legged variants. It is our at-home apothecary for both small and great challenges. Both as a preventive measure and in all other circumstances.


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