Quitting smoking – the backbone of an earthworm (part 2)


Yes, I have the backbone of an earthworm when it comes to quitting smoking. Yes, I’ve also quit before. The dumbest thing I’ve ever done was to start again.

Smokers, myself included, are full of good excuses. Excuses for why we shouldn’t stop smoking. Excuses for waiting to stop tomorrow. Poor me, I should have a smoke! Doesn’t it sound all too familiar?

I want to make a small “diary” of blog posts about my own smoking ban on Blog.tohuman.dk. You are more than welcome to jump on the trolley. Yes, I really hope you do so that we can keep each other up and go through that hard time together. I believe we can do it together.

How do you want to quit smoking? Do you want to take a so-called “cold turkey”? Chewing gum? Or something quite third. It’s probably not a surprise, but I want to use LifeWave’s products.

Within LifeWave, there are various products and protocols that can help one on the way. Smoking is a bad habit, but certainly also an addiction. I have found different protocols, so come and stay if you want to.

First, I will try a very comprehensive smoking cessation protocol, which I hope will also make sense to you (described at the bottom of the post here). Next, I also intend to use LifeWave SP6 Complete patches behind the left ear, as well as LifeWave’s Y-age Glutathione patch behind the right ear. It’s very good at addictiveness, while SP6 Complete also controls the sugar rank, and not quite bad, because when you stop using a habit, you should not get another. LifeWave’s Y-age Aeon patch is also a great idea. I’d have to go beyond my fellow men, that I want to quit smoking, and Y-age Aeon gives me peace of mind to not stress while I quit smoking.

Mind over matter

Sunday, January 22nd is a date that will go down in history. I have to stop smoking today. Yes, you are reading right. I will stop smoking. I have made a fight with SP6 Complete behind the left ear and Y-Age Glutathione behind the right ear. I’m ready … in about two minutes. For no, I do not feel ready to stop at all. I smoke in the car and drive on the tank to buy smokers. “Seriously, how stupid are you,” I say to myself, as I sit in the car with a smog in my hand, quite relaxed. I will resume my patches and set a new date for my smoking cessation. Saturday we go for a Christmas party with the girlfriend’s work; It must be the last day of my life as a smoker. THE ABSOLUTE LAST DAY!

The plans have been set. I have given myself almost a whole other week to smoke. Thank goodness! In fact, it’s not just another bad excuse not to stop. Is it the backbone of the rainbow that is on the pitch. I’m already wondering what’s going on. NO. Now it must be over. END.

It will be Saturday and we will go with the girlfriend’s work for Christmas lunch. Lots of red wine, beer, drinks, a good mood and lots of smokes. When we come home from this cozy evening, I have a smoke back, A SMOKING. We go with the dog while I turn on my only and last smoke. If you are not smoking, you do not understand the thoughts that go through my head at all: Divorce, the last smoke, how big it is to get here. It’s hard to describe the feelings and thoughts that go through one’s head and body.

We are coming home from having gone with the dog. The last smoke is smoked. It’s bedtime and the first patch is put on. I put SP6 Complete behind both right and left ear. And then head in bed.

Remember the Aeon patch for God’s sake

Sunday, my first day as a non smoker. It’s pretty alright. However, considering a short moment moving on a deserted island not to kill anyone. Ups, I forgot to put Y-age Aeon patch on. It gives you peace of mind right away, but I feel the tail is short. Has warned the girlfriend that I am a ticking bomb and that he may just have to give me a little more space than usual. He may also have to wait a couple of days with his otherwise normal banter and strokes.

Do you want to become a former smoker with LifeWave and I?

Day 2 – Today it is Monday February 1st, 2016. My second day as a non-smoking. Today, however, you must wait to read until March 1st, 2016, where I’ll continue blogging about my smoking.

March 1st, 2016, will also include:

  • My journey on the road towards becoming a non-smoker
  • How did I get started?
  • How have the first 4 weeks gone?
  • Has my weight increased, decreased or status quo?

I hope you will hop on the wagon, so our journey together can begin, the journey as smoking and non-smoking. Would you like to join us, then write in the comments below, so we can find common strength, encourage and praise each other along the way. No, it’s certainly not for rainworms. But together we are strong – and then it does not matter that the inside of you is a rainorm.

The comprehensive quit-smoking-protocol

Start with a 5 day detox to get the best results – total smoking cessation!

Use: Energy Enhancer, Y-age Glutathione and Y-age Aeon

Quick test before start: Light a cigarette.

  • Place the Energy Enhancer on LU1. Keep the smoke in your mouth. If the taste changes in your mouth after 2-3 minutes, then put on a Y-age Glutathione.
  • Put on a Y-age Glutathione on CV22

If you are susceptible to the patches, you should experience a negative sensation when smoking.

  • If you experience a negative sensation when smoking then place the Y-age Aeon patch on LU7.Keep the patches on for 24 hours.

General instructions
1. Start patching when you’re ready to quit smoking!
2. Apply the patches at once and keep them on for an entire 24 hour period.
3. Repeat the procedure as many times as needed, until you don’t feel the desire to smoke.
4. Use new patches every time you start.

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In connection with my work as a self-employed florist, I was lacking energy and surplus to get me through the day. It is tough getting up between 3 and 4 in the morning. The energy and surplus is achieved with LifeWave's products. The products afford us so much energy - both the two-legged and four-legged variants. It is our at-home apothecary for both small and great challenges. Both as a preventive measure and in all other circumstances.


  1. THERE YOU GO Malene – you can and do it! I cheered up thinking about you just now. I’m a fan! However, I choose to smoke the packages we have first (excuses – wouldn’t want to waste the money) hihihi

    Of course, I’ll quit with the LifeWave patches.

    YOU GO girl…….

  2. Sweet Malene,

    Congratulations on your decision – I have been there many years ago and so clearly remember the last smoke.

    Where would I want the LifeWave patches existed then.

    Really good trip – looking forward to following you
    Hugs, Mai-Britt


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