Health was doing the extreme – now it’s all about balance in life


What is health to you? If you asked me this question 20 years ago, my response would have been a lot different than what what my answer would be today.

We all know that healthy diet and exercise are essential in a healthy lifestyle, but where the two factors previously would have formed almost all of my responses, many more things have now been added to the list. It is amazing to grow older. You get experience and learn to really feel what feels right for yourself.

I considered being slim to be healthy when I was younger. I followed all the diets and tips at the time and lived for extreme diets that made it impossible to participate in social events. The same with exercise. Either I was running like a madman or I was doing something else. The result was that I was inexperienced and made everything into a project.

After I had kids, everything became more feeble. I couldn’t keep up with colic kids (yup, both of them) and a man who was incredibly far away. After having tried to get as slender as before, I just had a constant, nagging bad conscience. This was both directed at myself and my children, the times I prioritized the time to myself. As a result, for many years I had a very unhealthy and negative relationship with my body, despite the fact that I have always prioritized a healthy diet with homemade food and regular exercise. The whole set of minds had been slipped. I did not see it nor added value.

Some years ago my body began to get bad with arthritis (see my previous blogs). It made me fight back to run – not for the sake of the world but for mine. It was important to make the body strong again so that it could help support the process of balancing my body again. And here I also mean the psychic.

Health is also about daring to be spontaneous

Health for me today is besides healthy diet and exercise also a good night’s sleep, good self-esteem, a good work life, finding a good priority between ego/family/friends/job, dare to say no, but dare to say yes too.

My healthy diet today continues to make the most of myself and happy with the young people. There are lots of green, fruit, fish, poultry etc., but there is also room for dessert and wine – just not every day. There is also space for spontaneity, so everyday can be a casual day off if an invitation or similar appears. It is part of the health I choose now – to say yes and to live life. Things are no longer so black and white.

Health is about breaking bad habits

Exercise drove super with a nice run just until last year in May, where my heels stood off. Here I forgot to be faithful to what I would like – to think: “What else is possible?”. I was locked in that I could not run and used energy to annoy me. At that time, at that time, I had a very busy period of work and therefore fell right in the trap due to lack of profits to think new. It just bore itself in the tail, as exercise became equal to even more lack of energy.

Fortunately, I was saddled in the fall when the running club made a crossfit ball. I was notified of that. Stop it, it was fun and very hard. Unfortunately, the gig started to touch especially in the hands. This time there was more profit on the mental account, so an afternoon on my way home from work I spun spontaneously into the city’s newly opened fitness center.

In came the whirlwind and said: “Hi, I just have to be created – because I just decided to try all possible teams. I can not otherwise do team training, I have convinced myself – so it’s the challenge of the year.” The girl at the front desk laughed and said: “Well, so welcome to – it will be fun here.” Well at home again I immediately signed up and signed up for everything, and I contacted a personal trainer. We made a program that fits me. And I had a party!

I love my spinning hours and my barre training. I’m all about those kind of team sports. And then it’s so cool with strength training along with my coach (as I call her). Something happens. And no, I have not lost a gram, but I can see muscles and I feel strength and a less sore back.

Health is about sleeping at night again

My night’s sleep has been challenged for many years and especially bad since 2010, when I got divorced. Suddenly I was always on guard – the family protector. Lack of night’s sleep is very bad. It goes beyond weight, mood and profits to family, friends and jobs. Your appearance is influenced, your judgment and ability to solve tasks, your sex drive, your immune system and your overall health.

Fortunately, I had a little pills to slum in, as it was the worst, but they were quickly dropped. All I achieved was falling asleep, but I woke up again shortly afterwards.

The solution came in 2014 with the Silent Nights Sleepwrap from LifeWave. Ih, how nice is it to get up in the morning when you are completely rested.

Health is about accepting yourself for who you are

I’ve worked a lot on treating myself nicely, accepting my body and considering my opinions as important as others. This has resulted in me being able to trust myself more and be more daring. Everything I do is done in a beautiful combination of other important values for me, like meaning something to other people.

So the 2017 version of Mai-Britt has become more aware of herself and her surroundings. I’m still looking for exciting developments in diets/health and I’m still curious about new things.

Health is about an increased quality of life

Imagine if I had not been curious and open back in 2014 – I would not have known all the products from LifeWave. They have so far contributed to my body and mind today as it is and gave me increased quality of life. I am very grateful and can not help telling you how much the products have meant for me.

In my upcoming blog posts, I will write more about how I have benefited from the products and how they are a natural part of the family’s life. I am looking forward to sharing it with you

Right now I have a really painful index finger. The Aeon reduces the inflammation and BAM, half an hour later I’m fine. Today it’s all good and I can write this no problem.


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