
It's about pain and how you can naturally ease your pain. Read more about natural relief for migraine, nausea and dizziness. Many have bladder infection and/or experience pain in genitals, lower back, abdomen, knees, chest, groin, shoulder, hip, wrist, heels, legs, back, etc. We have collected the best articles and keep you updated with the new ones.

Painful spinal collapse gone in less than two months

My mother has broken her back 9 times in her life. She has brittle bones (osteoporosis) just like many other women. My mother was only 42 years old when she stops menstruating. The doctors believe...

Back pains due to differing leg lengths?

Could a bit of difference in leg length really ruin your quality of life? In my work as a kinesiologist and stress consultant, I have over the years encountered many people who suffer from...

Pronounced relief of pains changed the life of my daughter

"There is no way that's real!" was my first thought when I first became acquainted with the pain patch from LifeWave. Back in August 2014, my daughter broke down on a Thursday evening. She had started...