I simply had to create the To Human app


Aeon on GV 14, Gluthatione on CV6, and Carnosine on CV17. What the heck does that mean? Back in 2014, when I was introduced to the wondrous world of LifeWave, I also met a world of new terms and names, that makes most people thoroughly dizzy.

How could I make it easy and quick to use the LifeWave patches, when you are on-the-go in a busy everyday? How could I help LifeWave users to achieve even more joy and advantages using the patches? Was it possible to make a sort of an encyclopaedia, that made it fun exploring all that the patches could offer, so you would not end up using the same solution every time? Would it be possible to create a tool, arming the distributors with an answer to basically any question – and include recommendations and experiences of others? Would it be possible to combine all of this into a single tool?

The questions piled up. I was curious about the potential fo LifeWave, but missed an easier and quicker way to gain knowledge and get information. Almost everyone these days have a phone on them when they are out and about. Because of this, the answer was simple. Obviously, I had to make a phone app for LifeWave users and distributors. A reference work and experience-exchange app, where information is always at hand 24/7 – 365 days a year. An app that made it possible to do searches and gave access to the newest knowledge and experiences.

The To Human app was born

I had spent six months exploring LifeWave’s products on my own body. It had drastically changed my life. Therefore I knew that with an app I could make a marked difference to others. In August 2014 I hand-picked the very best specialists. The task was simple: Together we were to develop the ultimate guide to LifeWave on smart phones. We should target everyone who owned a smartphone – and who doesn’t these days? We should target the younger generation, where the status “offline” is non-existent, and where print and physical books is more museum artefacts than part of the reality of young people. We were to make a visual, easy, and clear photo guide for patching rather than a traditional user manual. New knowledge were to be able to be pushed to all users in a matter of seconds.

“I created the first draft for a protocol –  backed up five steps and thought to myself: Wow, this is going to take quite a while. I breathed deeply, and went to war again. We produced, built, and tested without pause till the first test … and then we worked tirelessly all the way till release. I now haave a fuzzy feeling because we succeeded, and I am proud to show the app.”

Egon Nielsen is part of the development team behind the To Human appa, and is an independent LifeWave distributor.

March 13, 2015, we were able to launch with the very first impartial persons to test and try the To Human app. Does it work as intended? Do they like it? Would they adopt it as a tool in their everyday? The air was thick with excitement and nerves about the verdict, but the relief was huge when the reception was as overwhelming as the team had dared dream.

The To Human app was publically launched April 21st 2015. Today, we have users from all over Scandinavia and Europe, and the app is available in 8 languages. It contains more than 400 protocols with suggestions for patching, and more protocols are continuously added.

Human to human

With the To Human app, my mission is to help LifeWave users and distributors the world over 24/7 – 365 days a year to achieve even more joy and benefit from LifeWave. If I am in pain, I do not have neither the time, nor the desire to spent time searching for a solution. I want the solution then and there. When I do have time, I would like to be inspired in an easy way. The To Human app is also a wish and mission to have LifeWave users help each other, and share experiences within the – human to human. With the app, all of this is in a single place. In your hand.

Today, To Human is not merely an app. It is a concept about creating a better life between people, both via the app, via this blog, and human to human.

To me, LifeWave is note merely products which improves the quality of life, affords energy, better performance, health, anti-ageing, and a life without pains. It is a way of life I am happy to share with others.

Read more about the To Human app here

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2014 was the year I began my first foray into LifeWave. I chose to test all the products on my own body. I changed my diet and had a targeted training programme made. It has turned around my life 180 degrees. To Human is a concept I made to increase the quality of life for myself and for others. To Human blog is a forum, a magazine, and a knowledge-sharing centre for LifeWave enthusiasts - human to human. The To Human app is an online guide, helping you step-by-step with the use of your LifeWave products on-the-go.


  1. Hi
    I would like to come up with roses, but I’m so hard to read the text because of the weak color. I give up the reading.

    Is there any possibility that it can be changed to black?


  2. Hi Jeanett

    Thank you for your feedback on both the Two Human app and the Two Human blog. The vision of the app is to help others simply by making it easy. We hope with the blog to be able to put the maximum focus on quality of life and health by creating a forum – human to human.


    Jan Dibbern


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