Patches help 12 year old bed wetter


I’m going to have a patch meeting with Else. Else and I have gone to school together, but our lives went in different directions after school finished. But we’re about to meet up again. The meeting was decided because I made her curios of the LipsWave patches and all the things they can help with.

Else’s son Christian, who is 12 years, unfortunately wets the bed. He has an accident almost every night, with very few exceptions. It’s never fun to wet the bed, and when you’re 12 years old, it just sucks. Sleepovers with companions, with the school and in many other situations suddenly become uncomfortable and something you spend a lot of energy on. There are so many other things you tumble about when you are becoming a teenager, and being a wet hunter does not necessarily have to be one of them.

We agree that it’s definitely an attempt to try the patches so I find TOHUMAN app looking forward to ‘wet ligand’. I’ll get help immediately: Y-age Aeon on CV4 under the navel and Energy Enhancer on the ST22 underneath the ribs.

Else gets the plastic back home. Fortunately, Christian is trying and does not mind having them at school, and so they should also sit so nobody sees them.

After 14 days with the patches, Christian has only been wet 4 times against normal almost every night. Such a success. Christian is happy and hopeful.

Why do people wet the bed?

Being a wet poison can be due to several different things: Some of it may be a lack of maturation of the nervous system, signals and reflexes. This may also be due to a reduced production of the hormone ADH. ADH is the hormone that causes less urine to produce at night. When produced too little, there is no difference whether it is day or night. It may also be that you sleep so well and heavily that your own muscles of the body relax completely when the bladder is completely full, the closure muscle is not strong enough to prevent the tissue from being soaked in bed.

At Christian, he gets very good help from Aeon and Energy Enhancer. Aeon just helps the autonomic nervous system. Energy Enhancer increases muscle mass, so all in all it makes sense that Christian has good help with these two patches.

If you are using the patches, be aware that LifeWave does not recommend the use of the patches for children. In this case, the mother has estimated that she wants to test the patches.

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Anita Hellner was introduced to the wonderful world of LifeWave in 2014. Ever since then, the patches and other products have been her faithful companion. Anita has PCOS and LifeWave has helped her lessen her problems and have given her more energy. She uses LifeWave for both small and big challenges that may arise and loves helping the people who cross her path to achieve better quality of life and health. Contact information:


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