Aeon on the chest and the confirmation speech is delivered with a smile


So it’s already time for confirmation. It’s an exciting time, especially if you are already a sensitive young man like my son Mathias. The last few weeks leading up to the big day are sleepless, and the day is just as restless: I wonder what’s going to happen, and what about the speech, etc.

We have had many good talks about his concerns, which have ranged between numerous issues; What if the food isn’t delivered on time and it’s going to be nerve-wrecking giving a speech in front of the whole family and all the guests. Many things have to he solved quickly and we’ve talked a bit these, but I think we can all relate to that hint of nervousness when you have to stand in front of a lot of people and give a speech.

Patches reduces stress in the body

Fortunately, Mathias knows about our ‘home pharmacy’, as we life to call our LifeWave products. He picked an Aeon patch from the Y-Age series. He places it on the point of the neck, which is very suitable when it comes to alleviating stress in the body. The advantage is that you do not become sluggish, but just still keep your shoulders down without tensing them. Now he remembers this point point from a previous occasions, but it is also easy to find in the To Human app under for example ‘Exam Anxiety’.

As bedtime approaches, he puts on his sleep patch Silent Nights on middle of his forehead. Mathias has figured out that it’s the best location for him out of the five points suggested by LifeWave. It doesn’t take long before a heavy, deep sleep washes over him.

It’s so nice that he pays attention to what is good for him. This means that I am completely at ease, allowing him to “mess around” in the medicine cabinet.

Finally comes the day. One of the things I’ve been looking forward to the most is Mathias has the opportunity to just be happy. He has been taking his time getting ready, and after the bath he says confidently: “Mom, can I just get a different patches before I slip into my clothes.”

Although Mathias must have a shirt on that’ll cover the patch in his neck, we have decided to put the Aeon patch on the middle of his chest. It is also a great stress point (found under “Stress” in the To Human app) and it’s successful this time too. In order to keep the energy going all day long he also gets a set of Energy Enhancer on the front of his shoulders, as described by the LifeWave product folder. I mean, he has to have plenty of energy to enjoy the day!

Extra energy boost with Energy Enhancer

As his mother I would like to give him a really nice day. But phew, there are many things that need to fall into place. So I also need an extra push – not just for the day, but for the whole week. So I chose to use the energy patch Energy Enhancer following the standard protocol from LifeWave in the week leading up to the event and use Silent Nights at night. My favorite location is behind the right ear.

It’s not only the young untried speakers who feel a little stressed. Although I have rarely had any issues public speaking, it’s hard when the receiver is such an important part of your life. So I also slip into the patch box and find both the Aeon and a set of Energy Enhancers. Normally I have no problems having patches visible, but I choose to put the patches in the same location as mentioned above this time. Then on goes the party dress. Ahhhh, a calm stomach and a voice that could cut through butter like a knife!

LifeWave helps the body reach a healthy balance

Yes, we laugh a little once in a while when we look at each other wearing patches here and there and everywhere. But it’s all in good fun!

This was a very recent event that was really important for Mathias and me. But there are lots of important events in life…job interview, graduation, wedding speech, birth of your child, funerals.

We constantly come across different challenges and requirements that stresses our bodies and minds. It’s important to accommodate all kinds of feelings and sometimes just be in the midst of them, even if it’s not easy.

We try to live a healthy life both for our body and mind. Once we’ve learned about the LifeWave products we have start adjusting them again and figure out how we can become even better versions of ourselves. No more chemicals – the energy patches, etc. only help the body find balance.

However, it is not black and white – so I want to emphasize that it does not replace doctor’s visits and common sense. It only supports you in your choice of trying to live the healthiest life you possibly could. Wishing you a good spring filled with happy events!


  1. Congratulations to Mathias and to you on the big day. How great is it that you get help to enjoy the day and get energy up to the day with the Lifewave patches.
    Yes, you must try it before knowing how many places they can help in our everyday lives :-).


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