Cystitis begone – read what Bodil did


I’m acquainted with Bodil, who recently got cystitis for the first time in an age of 60 years old. It stings while urinate, and you have an urge to urinate all the time, so definitely not in doubt. An infection is underway.

Therefore, she calls me. We agree that she should follow the patch protocol that’s in the ToHuman app. We follow the first suggestion where you have to do the following steps:

  1. Energy Enhancer on Li3 – brown on the left and white on the right
  2. Energy Enhancer on BL23 – brown on the left and white on the right
  3. Glutathione patch on her pubic bone that she has to replace with a Carnosine patch for the night

Besides these patches Bodil also use a Y-Age Aeon under her navel on spot CV6.

Patches gives pain relief

When we start patching, because of pain, we usually say that the pain you feel before starting must be set to be a 10. From here it’s possible to assess how far down the pain goes after time.

Bodil’s pain goes from 10 to 1-2 very fast. Bodil is changing to new patches every day in a week. After a week her cystitis is gone (As fast as penicillin).

It must be said that Bodil in addition to the patches also drinks cranberry juice, which is an old household remedy besides all the water she needs to drink while following the patch protocol.

Bodil find the combination perfect. If she ever should get cystitis again she will use the patches again.

Things to know about cystitis

Cystitis or urinary tract infection is inflammation in the bladder. The infection is due to bacteria. Cystitis is frequently for pregnant and elderly woman’s that have prolapsed uterus, dry and vulnerable mucous membranes in the vagina.

Signs of cystitis is that it stings when urinating and frequent urge to urinate. You’ve no doubt.

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Following a fantastic, personal experience with LifeWave products during 2014, I became a LifeWave distributor. Every day, I help customers in my shop with LifeWave patches. My clear attitude is that if we can make people deal with the most common "everyday problems" with a LifeWave patch, we can increase their quality of life, and maybe in the long run, the healthcare system can save some money. Contact me at


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