Great enthusiast spreads joy! Kenneth helps EVERYONE in pain


Do you know the phrase “Pay it forward?”. Kenneth Hansen does. In November of 2016, I helped Kenneth relieve his wrist pain by using LifeWave patches. Since then he has helped a lot of people, and many of them have gotten help that goes far beyond what LifeWave says their products can accomplish since LifeWave can only document the study results that the products show. Kenneth is in a category of his own.

Kenneth falls in love with LifeWave

I first met Kenneth at an introductory meeting about LifeWave products. He raised his hand when we asked whether any of the participants are currently in pain. He had surgery on both his hands for carpal tunnel syndrome, but says he still suffers from a lot of pain in both hands.

We put a brown IceWave (pain patch) on his pain spots and a white IceWave where his pain stretches. He experiences such pain relief that he can lift a chair with his hand without feeling any pain. He wasn’t able to do that before.

This, of course, evokes interest from Kenneth and he’d like us to meet his mother a few days later, who has a pinched back nerve. She has great pain all the way down her leg. Kenneth’s mother is also assisted with IceWave. She experiences pain relief immediately and also finds the Aeon pleasantly soothing. She only has an IceWave on for a short time and uses them on her back once in awhile when she feels the pain coming on. She’s very happy about the Aeon as it relieves the stress of her everyday life.

Not many days pass before Kenneth also becomes part of Team Karma, which is the LifeWave team that I created. I’ve been on the phone with Kenneth many times, and it’s so nice to be called back and hear about all the people he has helped – especially when it’s someone I’ve just gotten to know.

This is, of course, not the first time I’ve experienced this – but it’s the first time since I started blogging about my experiences with LifeWave. It’s probably the first time I’ve heard of so many experiences from a person who has just started and originally really just came to the meeting to test out the patches themselves. Kenneth helps disabled people, so he’s used to helping others. Because of the TOHUMAN app and the knowledge of our teams, he simply couldn’t stand back without doing something.

Kenneth has already made so many people happy – especially us on Team Karma. We want to spread the vision behind LifeWave all over the world. We love to see the use grow and we’re very passionate. We enjoy seeing others “pass on” what we’ve already passed onto them, helping each other help others, which also is the whole spirit of TOHUMAN. Together we’ll become better at using the products as we teach others about health and get into a mindset where we have the courage to change our lives and outlook on life.

Facebook: My friend comes home with pain in both knees for being a floor layer. Used the ToHuman app’s solution for knee pain. Aeon above the knee cap and IW below.  Immediately he jumps around with no pain 😊 it’s so great! Have a lot of other success stories I need to find the time to write about. Have a nice evening.

Pain relief for a sprained arm and knee pain

I remember one of those days when Kenneth called so clearly: “Oh, so listen to this. My mate just sprained his arm and came home with his hand bandaged and he’s still in pain. Bam! IceWave on each side of his bandage, and within a few minutes – no more pain!”

Kenneth has also helped a friend who came home with major knee pain in both his knees as he’s a flooring contractor and is often crawling on his knees.

It is baffling trying to understand at first how something can help without actually entering the body. I myself had to experience it many times before my brain understood how it is at all possible. Take a look at this LifeWave video here. It explains how this process works by using the body’s infrared light to create a type of energy (light frequency) the body recognizes.

Balance nerve virus

Kenneth calls me up again in December. Now he has helped a friend’s mother who had a balance nerve virus. I don’t quite understand how he knew how to do it, but I’m very proud that he just throws himself into it. “Well, I looked it up on the TOHUMAN app,” he says. Wow, I think to myself. I wasn’t even aware that it was on the app.

His friend’s mother quickly becomes brand new again and is able to work the same day. She hasn’t had to use the patch ever since.

Just helped a buddy’s mother with a virus on the balance nerve, she livened up completely and elected to go to work 😊 Aeon behind the right ear, and ee on the inside of each wrist, as the To Human app directed. 😊 Have a nice day.

Asthma, menstrual pain and stress

In January of 2017, Kenneth attends a family birthday party where he helps his brother-in-law’s little brother. The little brother has asthma and is after a short time with a Glutathione patch near the neck hole, just below the Adam’s apple, able to breathe much easier. The patch enhances the antioxidant glutathione levels in the body. I’ve even tried it on two people with fantastic results, but with the energy patches Energy Enhancer on as well. It’s so nice to know that Glutathione can make a difference on its own as well.

On the same day, the younger sister in the family is experiencing strong menstrual pains – and once again, Kenneth jumps to the rescue with the TOHUMAN app. The success repeats itself. The little sister has great results and is left happy.

Kenneth also meet a woman who has anxiety, neck and lower back pain (after surgery). She instantly feels soothed once she gets a Aeon on her neck as the patch, as we know, reduces stress in the body.

Yet another day has been spent helping people 😊 First one with bad psychological problems (bad case of anxiety), pains on the back of the neck, as well as pains in the lower back following surgery in addition to other ailments. She is on strong painkillers every day and was therefore very surprised that the small wonder patches could alleviate her pains and her head. One with asthma, where he could feel a change in his breathing after a short 20 seconds with Clu on the wind pipe!

And then, finally, his baby sister who almost couldn’t walk due to menstrual pains. I used the To Human app, Aeon on the back of the neck and IW white  below the navel and brown the same place on the back. It worked! Her pain went from 6 to 0. It is so great 😊

A herniated discs and shoulder pain

Yes, Kenneth really just goes for it. On February 4th, a good friend’s father suddenly needs help. He has to walk with crutches and is in tremendous pain.

The video here shows how Jørn was doing after a few minutes and again after the patches had been on for about 20 minutes.

Bliver simpelhen nød til at dele min succeshistorie med jer her 😃🙏🏼 Johnny Christensen skriver til mig i morges og fortæ…

Posted by Kenneth Hansen on Saturday, 4 February 2017

I simply have to share my success with you :=

Johnny Christensen wrote to me this morning to tell me that his father’s, Jørn Pøhl Christensen, herniated disc was poking out again. It was so bad yesterday that he used crutches and still had a lot of pains today. Well, I go to visit Jørn, and he sits there, trying to produce a smile, but I can see he is in pain. I apply an Aeon (patch which helps with stress, enhances the other patches and many other things) to the back of his neck, and apply an Icewave (pain relief patch), the brown one, right on the pain which is on his lower back, and the white under his left foot. He has furthermore complained about shoulder pains during the last year, where he has been unable to get into and out of his jacket. I tossed on some pain relief patches, and not even 20 seconds later he stood there swinging his arm 😊 I can keep on writing as I’m still surprised myself, but I’ll let the videos speak for themselves 😊

Jørn is also struggling with large shoulder pain. Kenneth puts on IceWave and he feels such a great sense of relief that he is pain free shortly thereafter. It’s not very hard to see the joy in his face in the last video.

This entire post really makes me think. What if I hadn’t shown Birger Hejlsborg that he could use these amazing products in his daily work-out and to help others have a better life? Then he would have never told Kenneth about them. Kenneth has now helped more than 30 people.


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Passionate LifeWave user and networker. René is very devoted to health and helping others have a better quality of life. René has helped and tested the LifeWave patches on almost 1.000 humans and animals. He has helped several girls with side effects of the HPV vaccine and gotten many to come off of long-term medication use, etc. Contact Info: +(34) 610 67 74 74 (Spain) +(45) 71 55 73 49 (Denmark)


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