Jette removed large edema with LifeWave patches


Everything goes according to plan when Jette in April has a lump removed in her breast. Jette also has two edemas removed in her forearm and the surgery is successful. But when she comes home from the hospital, she gets an accumulation of fluid in the lymphatic system under her forearm. Accumulation of fluid can be rather unpleasant, especially when it is the size of an egg and located right under your arm.

Jette calling me for help on how she can patch so she can get the fluid away from the lymph. Since I have assured me that she has not yet gotten started with chemo (and thus in medical treatment), we agree that we have to get drained the liquid out as best we can.

Accumulation of fluid gone within three days of using the patches

Jette finds its folding man forward, which is one of our utilities, where we can follow the meridians in the body broadly. We find the meridian that runs when ascites is and can see that she needs pericardium meridian and follow it with the patches. This means that she must put LifeWave Energy Enhancher at either end of it – about the p1 (white) and p5 (brown) and a LifeWave Glutathione patch right between the two energy patches. This patching we do so that we send some energy through the affected area of ​​the body, and Glutathione patch thus ensures that she secretes waste products which provide ascites.

Already after the first day of the patches, the bulge is gone from being a small egg size only to look like a golf ball.

Next day she tries to pause with the patches, but think that it stings.

On the third day, she must again get hold of his husapotek with the patches. Jette put the patches using the same protocol. In the evening, the bulge is almost gone. For safety reasons, she puts just the patches on the day after, to be absolutely sure that ascites is completely gone.

Jette will also use LifeWave Carnosine patch to remove scar tissue that may come after surgery.

Jette has not at all used painkillers through history, since the patches quickly alleviated the discomfort and pain she has had due to the surgery. Therefore, we have talked about Jette also have to use Y-Age patches when she is between chemo treatments. She may not use them for the first 14 days after chemotherapy, since she does not need to detox for the chemo, but she’ll be home detox the body before she is about to start chemo again, so we get a little boost to the body from chemotherapy are.

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Following a fantastic, personal experience with LifeWave products during 2014, I became a LifeWave distributor. Every day, I help customers in my shop with LifeWave patches. My clear attitude is that if we can make people deal with the most common "everyday problems" with a LifeWave patch, we can increase their quality of life, and maybe in the long run, the healthcare system can save some money. Contact me at


  1. That sounds really great. I’m a bit unsure of how to use the y-age patches after, for example, hormone-based breast cancer, where the breasts have been removed, and subsequent medical hormone treatment. My idea is that these women really need antioxidants, but could they counter themselves?


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