Ouch, my heel – this is how I achieve relief with LifeWave


I previously wrote about a bad heel of mine that made the doctors wonder what could have caused it. It was believed to be heel spurs and other inflammation of the heel pad, but they weren’t quite sure. The advice I received from the doctors was to lay a small soft insole in my shoes and invest in some shoes with good cushioning, which didn’t make a different. The pain is the same.

So I start with the Energy Enhancer and Y-Age Aeon. It helps a lot, but I can still feel a it little bit, because the pain comes back when I remove the patches. So I start to question whether I might have to change tactics. I tried what Jeanett Beate Jensen wrote about in another post about heel spurs where she used IceWave and Aeon, but it does not give better pain relief. The change from the Energy Enhancer IceWave is not right when my pain is not assuaged the same degree as when using Energy Enhancer.

I would of course like to have it completely away. So I decide to try a self test again. It may be that it can tell me what I need to change. I find out that I have to keep the Y-Age Aeon, but also need SP6 Complete. It fits well, since I use both fixed: Y-Age Aeon in connection with that I drink Theta One and SP6 Complete in connection with my PCOS. So instead of putting the patches where I usually, I put both Y-Age Aeon and SP6 Complete the heel. I think really that much over time, since I just put them there instead of where I used to.

Good results with SP6

I do not use SP6 Complete when I’m on my period. Suddenly I realize that now is the time to put SP6 Complete under the heel, I have also forgotten Y-Age Aeon. But it’s a nice sign, because I find that it does not hurt anymore.

Now it does not matter what the reason was. I know what I should do if it happens again. This shows that there is help from LifeWave. It also shows that sometimes you need to try out, and that you do not necessarily need the same patches all the way from start to finish. Pain is changing, so we must sometimes change tactics.

I would not do without these little beautiful patches. For it is a huge relief that I no longer feel sorry. LifeWave may well have helped me and many others so many times by now.

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Anita Hellner was introduced to the wonderful world of LifeWave in 2014. Ever since then, the patches and other products have been her faithful companion. Anita has PCOS and LifeWave has helped her lessen her problems and have given her more energy. She uses LifeWave for both small and big challenges that may arise and loves helping the people who cross her path to achieve better quality of life and health. Contact information: anitahellner@hotmail.com


  1. Ouch ouch ouch, my heal….I had to stop running and I’ve tried a bunch of different placements.

    Now I tried your combination and yes – finally it has calmed down!

    Thank you for sharing your story <3



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