Enjoy a stress-free Christmas with this simple advice

In my 28 years of marriage where my wife and I have raised three lovely young men (21-27 years), I have spent too many Christmases stressed out, without any reason. This has affected both...

Aeon on the chest and the confirmation speech is delivered with a smile

So it's already time for confirmation. It's an exciting time, especially if you are already a sensitive young man like my son Mathias. The last few weeks leading up to the big day are sleepless,...

Stress boom: LifeWave relieves the feeling of stress

Stress is something most familiar. Many have had it in one degree or another. Many have daily symptoms. With the way our world is put together, will once more be hit. In 2013 answered about...

How to find the path to a life with less stress

Have you been wanting to create more fun and love in your life for a long time now? Do you want to be even more fantastic, more of the time? Do you feel like you'd...