Training and sports

Sport should energize you and bring joy to your everyday life. Whether it is general exercise or working out on a professional level, we at Tohuman have a NO TOLERANCE for doping. We give you insight into real world results. All results are achieved in a natural way. You get news from both amateurs as well as professional cyclist, etc.

How to beat your running track record – without knocking yourself out

If you’ve just started running and would like to run with others, all you have to do is look at the running calendar. Here you’ll find lots of invitations for jogging and more of...

Does WinFit work if you suffer from PCOS? I am going to try!

I'm never going to look like a UK size 10. I have PCOS, like many other women. They say 5-10% in childbearing age has it. This means increased hair growth, high sugar cravings, and...

Increased performance on the bike with LifeWave

It's once again time to write another blog entry. It's been a while since I last gave you guys an update on how things are going with using LifeWave in my training. Summer is the peak...