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Training and sports

Sport should energize you and bring joy to your everyday life. Whether it is general exercise or working out on a professional level, we at Tohuman have a NO TOLERANCE for doping. We give you insight into real world results. All results are achieved in a natural way. You get news from both amateurs as well as professional cyclist, etc.

How to beat your running track record – without knocking yourself out

If you’ve just started running and would like to run with others, all you have to do is look at the running calendar. Here you’ll find lots of invitations for jogging and more of...

WinFit start: Your guide to weight-loss and a great-looking body

I've received many inquiries while we've anxiously been waiting for our package containing the new WinFit to land in the mail. People have been asking the following: Is it hard to stick with the system while having...

LifeWave does it again!

Today was the day when LifeWave was in Copenhagen to, amongst other things, present their newest addition: WinFit - Body Shaping System. I just had to share it with you now while I’m all bubbly...

WinFit update 2: Hanne is highly motivated!

"It's super easy - and it works!" Hanne says. She has been running WinFit for a month now and is fond of the product and system. Hanne has started on a journey towards a different,...

Highly motivated for the coming biking season with LifeWave

I have used the LifeWave products since the spring of 2016 in my career as a professional cyclist. If you’ve been following the blog, you know that it all started with a four-month injury...

WinFit Update 6: Say goodbye to 5,9 kilos of fat!

"IF WE GIVE THE BODY WHAT IT NEEDS - IT'LL RESPOND. " DAVID SCHMIDT In the late summer of 2016, Hanne I talked about health, diet and quality of life. We talked about the good life we ​​all wish...

Health was doing the extreme – now it’s all about balance in life

What is health to you? If you asked me this question 20 years ago, my response would have been a lot different than what what my answer would be today. We all know that healthy...

I am SO looking forward to the LifeWave event in Copenhagen!

It has now been two years since I first became acquainted with LifeWave and the great LifeWave products. I can say with certainty that they have made a difference for me. Not just when...

LifeWave and daily exercise: My recipe will (hopefully) last 100 years

When writing about LifeWave products, I typically focus on specific challenges, such as uneven leg lengths, pain relief or something else entirely. Today I'll be writing about my daily consumption of LifeWave's outstanding products, with...

Fit with WinFit: Can the diet be too low in fat?

Now I've been doing WinFit for 4 weeks and I had another visit with my dietitian again. That was not exactly what I had hoped for. I'm tempted to skip this update, but I think...