Training and sports

Sport should energize you and bring joy to your everyday life. Whether it is general exercise or working out on a professional level, we at Tohuman have a NO TOLERANCE for doping. We give you insight into real world results. All results are achieved in a natural way. You get news from both amateurs as well as professional cyclist, etc.

WinFit start: Your guide to weight-loss and a great-looking body

I've received many inquiries while we've anxiously been waiting for our package containing the new WinFit to land in the mail. People have been asking the following: Is it hard to stick with the system while having...

The new, groundbreaking weight-loss concept WinFit eliminates the diet

Another unique concept from LifeWave has emerged during their biggest event ever. With over 1,400 enthusiastic participants highlighting this year's event, all previous attendance records were broken. It happened at the launch of the...

IceWave provides very good pain relief

As you may remember from my previous post, I am injured and have been having a hard time riding my bicycle. Fortunately, LifeWave has helped me a lot. I just received my MRI results...

Sports and results – without doping or caffeine

There are many different approaches when first coming across LifeWave and all the patches, dietary supplements, skin care, etc. Many of us are skeptic of being helped with patches, but then become curious and study the...

The battle against obesity kickstarted with LifeWave

What do you do when you're in huge debt and can't borrow from anyone? Some participate in television shows to try to get help, while others find financial advisers or other products that might help and motivation...

WinFit update 3: Get body toning

Hanne has now been doing the WinFit program for eight weeks. It actually goes well - even though there have been some dropouts along the way. Because there is both work, family and all that...

5 great weeks with WinFit

WinFit was launched on the market in September and has already proven to be LifeWave's biggest sales success. Here on the blog we have also tested and examined the new fat-loss concept and products to...

I am so fortunate! Have been testing LifeWave for two weeks …

Welcome to my first post about LifeWave. As a professional cyclist, I have been lucky enough to be sponsored by Tohuman. I can now finally test out the LifeWave products that I've heard such good...

Am I really losing weight during the holidays? Of course!

I love Christmas good. I'm one of those people that just can't stop eating until I feel like I'm going to burst and then take a nap on the couch to make room for a little more...

My weight is blinking: Low body fat after 12 weeks with med WinFit

It has now been 12 weeks since I started with WinFit. It's fun to change old habits that you've had. I thought moving my breakfast to about 10.30 to 11.00 would be an impossible...