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Training and sports

Sport should energize you and bring joy to your everyday life. Whether it is general exercise or working out on a professional level, we at Tohuman have a NO TOLERANCE for doping. We give you insight into real world results. All results are achieved in a natural way. You get news from both amateurs as well as professional cyclist, etc.

The second healthy habit: Get an active break at work

1st healthy habit: The hunt for more whole grains has begun Danes hold a dull European record. They are amongst the top three of the most sedentary countries and sit on their butts 10 hours...

LifeWave does it again!

Today was the day when LifeWave was in Copenhagen to, amongst other things, present their newest addition: WinFit - Body Shaping System. I just had to share it with you now while I’m all bubbly...

How LifeWave patches increase your flexibility and balance

Before I learned about LifeWave, I have to admit that my knowledge about the body's bioelectric energies, meridian paths, and light frequencies was basically non-existant At that time I had worked for five years at a...

How to beat your running track record – without knocking yourself out

If you’ve just started running and would like to run with others, all you have to do is look at the running calendar. Here you’ll find lots of invitations for jogging and more of...

I am so fortunate! Have been testing LifeWave for two weeks …

Welcome to my first post about LifeWave. As a professional cyclist, I have been lucky enough to be sponsored by Tohuman. I can now finally test out the LifeWave products that I've heard such good...

Whoa! WinFit – I can clearly see a difference

Oh wow! David Schmidt, founder and inventor of LifeWave, has once again been getting creative and ingenious. Now why would I say that? Well, because I have tested the new lifestyle, body toning and...

Health was doing the extreme – now it’s all about balance in life

What is health to you? If you asked me this question 20 years ago, my response would have been a lot different than what what my answer would be today. We all know that healthy...

WinFit – new and brilliant, weight-regulating and body sculpting system from LifeWave

Many of us have been waiting like children on Christmas Eve. This weekend’s (September 17th, 2016) LifeWave event has been eagerly awaited - that’s for sure. Many have been waiting for something new and...

5 great weeks with WinFit

WinFit was launched on the market in September and has already proven to be LifeWave's biggest sales success. Here on the blog we have also tested and examined the new fat-loss concept and products to...

LifeWaves new body sculpting product WinFit has arrived

And so it finally happened! On September 17th I flew home to Denmark to finally hear about LifeWave's new body sculpting product WinFit - Body Shaping System. And the interest in the event has been great this...