Home Authors Posts by Mai-Britt Bækgaard

Mai-Britt Bækgaard

I am interested in the body, health, and living well with a chronic disease. I have a background in the financiel world with 25 years of experience with number and facts. In 2014, my life changed. I became a distributor of LifeWave products. These days, I am a networker, ambassador, and distributor of LifeWave. Follow me on the Facebook page Maibody.

Toast with healthy shots!

"Cheers" - we say every morning year round. It's great to start the day with a little shot - it hurts your throat on the way down, and then does so much good for the body. What...

Knee sprain – easy pain relief with patches

I’ve had a membership to one of my city’s smaller gyms since the winter holiday. I have given myself the challenge of trying out team sports and spent more time doing them than I’ve...

Health was doing the extreme – now it’s all about balance in life

What is health to you? If you asked me this question 20 years ago, my response would have been a lot different than what what my answer would be today. We all know that healthy...

Do you get car sick easily? Soothe your nausea with patches

Do you easily get sick when riding the car or going on a boat, or do you get uncomfortable when flying? Are you among those who struggle to the extent that they have to plan their...

Ugh toothache! And right before the weekend!

What the hell do you do when the dentist is closed. It's Friday and you can't get an appointment with the dentist in the upcoming week. Take a look at this story about my mother...

Skin care a bit more capable than usual

I was contacted by Anne in the fall. She has heard about LifeWave, been to a few introduction meetings and participated in the great LifeWave event in Copenhagen where WinFit was launched. Now she’s...

Ouch, My Tooth – And Right Before The Ski Trip!

It's Friday night and it's not just the start of the weekend - it's also the start of the winter vacation, during which we're we're off to go skiing. Suddenly I see my boyfriend...

Ready for the skiing trip? This is what you should ALSO remember to pack

The countdown has begun ... the ski trip is just around the corner now. The first people have already taken off and soon the other ski enthusiasts will following in the upcoming months. In this...

Heir to WinFit: Training and detox with the TOHUMAN app

I have been on an exciting journey with WinFit since it launched. I've followed instructions and it has been easy, but as I've previously written on the blog, I haven't had the same success...

Fit with WinFit: Can the diet be too low in fat?

Now I've been doing WinFit for 4 weeks and I had another visit with my dietitian again. That was not exactly what I had hoped for. I'm tempted to skip this update, but I think...