Illness and disorders

There are many kinds of diseases and disorders. A disease can be hereditary, chronic, genetic, infectious and fatal. On this page you can regularly read in-depth and personal articles from the real world. You’ll find topics that include colic, Parkinson’s, Asperger’s, PCOS, HPV vaccine, kidney disease, pelvic instability, polyps, stress, depression, as well as more ordinary illnesses like the flu, congestion and the cold.

Tormented by pelvic girdle pain – now Lotte is smiling with Corsentials

My wife Lotte developed pelvic girdle pain in the spring of 2011 when she was expecting our son. Lotte works as speech therapist on various schools and institutions throughout the Aalborg area. It means...

Something about … SOUND and its healing power!

In my life, I’ve had for cancer, depression, anxiety, PTSD, prolonged stress, abuse of various kinds, low self-esteem and the great challenge of having a particularly sensitive empathy and being an artist, dreamer and...

Colic vanished with IceWave pain relief patch

Our young baby was just three months old back in February of 2015. The days went by, and when evening came, crying and screaming began from 5 pm till midnight – every night. Was...

How to achieve a better life with PCOS – my story

Diets where I usually gained weight. Constant frustration that my hair on my lower legs grew darker and faster. Discomfort showing my bare legs – unless I just took care of them. A...

Sore throat and snot nipped in the bud

Tuesday morning I wake up with onset laryngitis. I had slept through the night with that feeling of your throat getting rough and sore. Swallowing was a bit painful but I’m not so sick...

My journey as a breast cancer patient! The hard choices and the help from...

This is the continuation of my story and my experiences on my journey with breast cancer. I have chosen to write and share it with you because cancer is still a big subject of taboo....

Oh, no, out of penicillin – LifeWave boosted the immune defense

I have a wonderful friend who I'm so lucky to work with. We spend many hours each day in a hectic environment. We plan carefully every minute of the day, and yet we are...