Illness and disorders

There are many kinds of diseases and disorders. A disease can be hereditary, chronic, genetic, infectious and fatal. On this page you can regularly read in-depth and personal articles from the real world. You’ll find topics that include colic, Parkinson’s, Asperger’s, PCOS, HPV vaccine, kidney disease, pelvic instability, polyps, stress, depression, as well as more ordinary illnesses like the flu, congestion and the cold.

LifeWave, my loyal companion during cancer treatment

Throughout my life I have always been an active man when it comes to sports and exercise. I've almost never suffered from anything serious. It's always been a neighbor, colleague, etc., of mine who have...

When the doctors sent home my kidney-diseased father-in-law

My first silver package was purchased March 11, 2014, and right from the start I began helping everyone I met: People who were dealing with one thing or the other where I thought: “Maybe...

LifeWave patch helps emerging cataracts

My mother was suffering from brain blood clots more than 40 years ago. This led to her not being able to go out into the cold weather for years without becoming paralyzed on the...

Colic vanished with IceWave pain relief patch

Our young baby was just three months old back in February of 2015. The days went by, and when evening came, crying and screaming began from 5 pm till midnight – every night. Was...

How to alleviate flu symptoms with LifeWave

Everyone has the flu around this time. A large proportion of the customers who come into my salon have have been down with the flu around Christmas for the past 4 years. It's quite incredible...

HPV vaccine took five years from Kathrine

We have just been to inform the hospital. It should be seen as a support for us, but once again I sit back with frustrations that no one can help us. Feeling that I...

LifeWave – Anders’ path to a good life with Aspergers

Anders is a young man of 32 years. He has lived with Asperger's syndrome for as long as he can remember. Anders was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. But the diagnosis was later...

Polyps, depression, stress … natural relief with LifeWave

2013 and 2014 were hard years for the family. In 2013 we suddenly lost my father's father and in 2014 the same happened – this time it was my mother's father. 2015 was just around...

How a 54-year-old with Parkinsons improves quality of life

A couple visited me one Saturday afternoon in April three years ago. The man had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a few years earlier. Very briefly, Parkinson's results in a number of different symptoms...

Winter ready! Snot and sniffles – with LifeWave we keep it at bay

Winter is upon us, and some of the worst for families is snot and colds, flu, sore throat and the other many diseases such as families with children will be hit by over the...