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Illness and disorders

There are many kinds of diseases and disorders. A disease can be hereditary, chronic, genetic, infectious and fatal. On this page you can regularly read in-depth and personal articles from the real world. You’ll find topics that include colic, Parkinson’s, Asperger’s, PCOS, HPV vaccine, kidney disease, pelvic instability, polyps, stress, depression, as well as more ordinary illnesses like the flu, congestion and the cold.

LifeWave kit relieves eye inflammation swelling

Lisa is going shopping on a Saturday morning. There may have been bacteria on the door handles, the hand dryer in the bathroom, or on the shopping cart handles, because one of her eyes...

HPV vaccine took five years from Kathrine

We have just been to inform the hospital. It should be seen as a support for us, but once again I sit back with frustrations that no one can help us. Feeling that I...

Maria suffers from side effects of the HPV vaccine – improving in two weeks

In a previous post, I told the story of 16-year-old Kathrine, who in just over five years has been ill of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Recently, calling another mother of a HPV side effect...

New life with LifeWave despite life-long ailment

This post is exactly what LifeWave is all about: Improved quality of life. I would like to share this lovely story with you. During a patch meeting this summer I meet Cate Thorsgaard. Cate tried the patches...

LifeWave, my loyal companion during cancer treatment

Throughout my life I have always been an active man when it comes to sports and exercise. I've almost never suffered from anything serious. It's always been a neighbor, colleague, etc., of mine who have...

Breast cancer: Relief! My first check-up is positive – Part 3

Part 1: Gasp, breast cancer! How LifeWave helps me Part 2: My journey as a breast cancer patient! The hard choices and help from LifeWave This is the continuation of my story the my experiences I’ve...

When Kate entered my salon with a patch

I was about to take money from a customer when I started coughing so violently that I couldn't get the price out. This wasn't the first time. In fact, I was constantly coughing had been doing...

How to get easily through menopause

Do you feel like thousands of other British women around the age of 50? Do you suffer from several symptoms of menopause, like mood swings, hot flashes, reduced libido and weight gain? Then take...

Bladder infection nipped in the bud

Have you ever had a bladder infection? I had never had one before, but it didn't surprise me when it suddenly hit me. My bladder infection starts on a Monday evening. I don't even have time...

Living with a chronic disease – and chosing to do without medicine

The first tentative signs that something was not quite right in my body began to show up in 2001. I was sore throughout the body. I had all sorts of tests done. Yet, the...