Natural life

Here on our blog you can read all about well-being, the great beauty and why you should always use natural plant-based skin care - WITHOUT any chemicals. The best tips for beautiful legs, beautiful natural nails, silky skin and healthy feet. You can read all about how you can reduce wrinkles, lines and bumps on your skin. Read about how to increase skin firmness, even out discolorations and how to get youthful, glowing skin.

Great looking legs without bruises. This is how to do it!

Do you bruise easily? Have you experienced having large bruises that hurt a lot and you can’t wear a dress? Then look no further for the best tips on how to get beautiful legs...

This is why light is important in the understanding of LifeWave’s patch technology

This blog provides a lot of information to people seeking advice and guidance. I myself am very happy that I have the opportunity of sharing knowledge or experiences about how LifeWave has been a light in...

Healthy lifestyle and improved quality of life – human to human

To Human is mission possible. A mission that is all about making the impossible possible. Changing something always starts with changing yourself. Take responsibility. Together we can make a difference! The To Human idea was...

My preferred skin care range: Alavida facial nectar, night cream, and patch

Every woman loves skin creams. We eat up (I'm sure you do too) advertisements. We try the new exciting, upcoming products - whether it's an ordinary cream, serum, wrinkle cream, face cream, facial mask, or whatever it is....

How to achieve optimum effect with LifeWave

I regularly meet with people who say they've tried LifeWave's unique patches - without any effect. It's really a pity because it doesn't take much for them to achieve pain relief, better sleep, less stress, etc....

Skin care a bit more capable than usual

I was contacted by Anne in the fall. She has heard about LifeWave, been to a few introduction meetings and participated in the great LifeWave event in Copenhagen where WinFit was launched. Now she’s...

10 tips for a good New Years resolution

Did you not read all the great blog post in 2015, here is a collection of 10 tips on New Year's resolution with LifeWave. We have found 8 tips that can give you a...

How my two teens use LifeWave’s products

As parents we would like the best for our children and teenagers. We have to make a lot of choices for them and make prepare them for leaving the nest and quietly taking over the responsibility of their...

While we wait for the light

How nice to be able to help others to solve some of the many challenges we, as people with health disabilities and actual disorders. We are many who do not live according to healthy...

Before and after: 4 weeks with LifeWave

The day arrived where my first supply was delivered – my very first LifeWave purchase. I had chosen the largest package with all seven kinds of patches (17 packets all up counting Energy Enhancer,...