Understand your pollen allergy and get rid of it – a guide to alternative...

I hope you enjoyed my little story this past week: "Put your cat in your lap and get rid of your cat allergy." I think it's a good story and I get happy every time I'm...

When LifeWave makes a difference for the animals and their owners

I'm always happy about the fact that we can help our animals with LifeWave's unique and chemical-free products. Animal's energy system is structured like ours so the products are effective on them as well. Yes -...

Quitting smoking – the backbone of an earthworm (part 2)

Yes, I have the backbone of an earthworm when it comes to quitting smoking. Yes, I've also quit before. The dumbest thing I've ever done was to start again. Smokers, myself included, are full of good excuses. Excuses...

Eye inflammation, behavioral problem or hot spot? How to help your pet

I get so happy whenever I experience the ways we can help our pets by using LifeWave's unique and chemical products. The animals' energy system is built much like ours, so light therapy works on them....

AcuLife – well-being for your horse

You know your horse and you know when your horse is not functioning optimally. Just like human athletes, horses tend to experience muscle tension and soreness as a result of their training, equipment and overall...

Allergies: Not all nuts are created equal

On February 7, 2016 I made a blog post about nut allergies -to be precise hazelnuts. Monday, March 15, 2016 I keep intro evening around LifeWave products from my dear friend Dorte. Sweet Dorte has...

How to help your dog with LifeWave patches

My dog Simba is my everything. In fact, it's my girlfriend's dog when he already had him when we met each other in 2009. You who have dog or even cat knows what I'm...

Dog tail close to amputation – how LifeWave made a difference

I'm always happy about the fact that we can help our animals with LifeWave's unique and chemical-free products. Animal's energy system is structured like ours so the products are effective on them as well. Yes -...

Down for the count due to hay fever? How LifeWave can help

And so spring comes along and I wake up with a proper sneeze. My nose is completely clogged, my eyes feel like claws against my eyelids and my tongue is quite sore from rubbing the itchy throughout...

My dog Simba packs LifeWave in its vacation suitcase

The holiday is upon us, and my girlfriend and I are heading south this year. Our suitcases are soon to be packed! What you pack probably isn't that different from what I pack in my...