How to achieve a better life with PCOS – my story
Diets where I usually gained weight. Constant frustration that my hair on my lower legs grew darker and faster. Discomfort showing my bare legs – unless I just took care of them. A...
Painful spinal collapse gone in less than two months
My mother has broken her back 9 times in her life. She has brittle bones (osteoporosis) just like many other women.
My mother was only 42 years old when she stops menstruating. The doctors believe...
Maria suffers from side effects of the HPV vaccine – improving in two weeks
In a previous post, I told the story of 16-year-old Kathrine, who in just over five years has been ill of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Recently, calling another mother of a HPV side effect...
Back pains due to differing leg lengths?
Could a bit of difference in leg length really ruin your quality of life? In my work as a kinesiologist and stress consultant, I have over the years encountered many people who suffer from...
Winter ready! Snot and sniffles – with LifeWave we keep it at bay
Winter is upon us, and some of the worst for families is snot and colds, flu, sore throat and the other many diseases such as families with children will be hit by over the...
Living with a chronic disease – and chosing to do without medicine
The first tentative signs that something was not quite right in my body began to show up in 2001. I was sore throughout the body. I had all sorts of tests done. Yet, the...
Polyps, depression, stress … natural relief with LifeWave
2013 and 2014 were hard years for the family. In 2013 we suddenly lost my father's father and in 2014 the same happened – this time it was my mother's father.
2015 was just around...
Oh, no, out of penicillin – LifeWave boosted the immune defense
I have a wonderful friend who I'm so lucky to work with. We spend many hours each day in a hectic environment. We plan carefully every minute of the day, and yet we are...
Tormented by pelvic girdle pain – now Lotte is smiling with Corsentials
My wife Lotte developed pelvic girdle pain in the spring of 2011 when she was expecting our son. Lotte works as speech therapist on various schools and institutions throughout the Aalborg area. It means...
When the doctors sent home my kidney-diseased father-in-law
My first silver package was purchased March 11, 2014, and right from the start I began helping everyone I met: People who were dealing with one thing or the other where I thought: “Maybe...