Home Illness and pain

Illness and pain

Ouch, My Tooth – And Right Before The Ski Trip!

It's Friday night and it's not just the start of the weekend - it's also the start of the winter vacation, during which we're we're off to go skiing. Suddenly I see my boyfriend...

Say goodbye to hot flashes and irregular periods

If you’ve reached menopause and feel large hormonal swings and hot flashes, you might feel like you’re wandering through the desert for several years. If you’re challenged by menopause with severe hot flashes and sweating,...

Cannabis is a miracle plant with a multitude of good qualities

Many celebrities have been candid in the media about their use of cannabis when it comes to various disorders. Many of these statements have been about cancer. Many tell how they have been helped by...

Concert patches offers energy and no pain

You’re probably sitting and shaking your head. Seriously a concert patches – what can be good about that? LifeWave is for me one of the simple little joys of life. Over time by using...

ADHD-affected people benefit from LifeWave

Recently, I met Henriette at a patching meet-up. Henriette was diagnosed with ADHD late and has had a lot of concentration problems. Henriette has for example had difficulty completing several different educational programs for years. After the patching meet-up,...

How I eased Ulla’s painful ankle joints

Ulla recently came asking me if I could help her with her ankle joint pain. I have previously treated Ulla for a migraine using LifeWave patches, so we know each other since before. I have...

4 great patching tips! This is how I’ve helped people with pain relief and...

I'm always so pleased over how well we're able to help people help themselves by using light therapy from the LifeWave patches. The patches are based on a unique, patented technology. I won't delve into...

Pain relief and great healing with patches after emergency surgery

An ordinary weekday in December was turned into a hectic ordeal for Gitte. Gitte has over the past few years had onset cataracts in her eyes and has therefore had to go for routine...

Painless root canal treatment without anestethics

We all know how it goes. We go to our 6-month dental check and some of us aren’t very excited to sit in the horizontal chair with the big lamp hanging over us. Others...

LifeWave kit relieves eye inflammation swelling

Lisa is going shopping on a Saturday morning. There may have been bacteria on the door handles, the hand dryer in the bathroom, or on the shopping cart handles, because one of her eyes...