Breast cancer: Relief! My first check-up is positive – Part 3

Part 1: Gasp, breast cancer! How LifeWave helps me Part 2: My journey as a breast cancer patient! The hard choices and help from LifeWave This is the continuation of my story the my experiences I’ve...

Painless root canal treatment without anestethics

We all know how it goes. We go to our 6-month dental check and some of us aren’t very excited to sit in the horizontal chair with the big lamp hanging over us. Others...

LifeWave, my loyal companion during cancer treatment

Throughout my life I have always been an active man when it comes to sports and exercise. I've almost never suffered from anything serious. It's always been a neighbor, colleague, etc., of mine who have...

HPV vaccine took five years from Kathrine

We have just been to inform the hospital. It should be seen as a support for us, but once again I sit back with frustrations that no one can help us. Feeling that I...

Ouch, my knee! How to alleviate pain with LifeWave

Do you have pain in your knees? Then you're definitely not alone. The number of people who experience knee pain is increasing. According to a recent survey, 30 percent of all women and 25 percent...

Nausea – with the TOHUMAN app, help is at hand

Last night my girlfriend and I went for an evening walk with our dog Simba. Then out of the blue I get bad nausea and really feel like I’m going to throw up. Whew,...

Goodbye to pains from whiplash

I know a wonderful woman. To someone who always spread joy, energy and good humor around him. To someone who always listens present and happy to share his thoughts. And of course there are...

How to get through a long work day WITHOUT sore feet and legs

I recently just started a new job where the floor is completely different from the floor that I’m used to working on. After the first two days, my feet and legs were very sore...

Constant dizziness gone in a few minutes

I've said it before and I'll say it again: LifeWave products are ingenious. How they can balance and remove blockages as easily as they do is still a mystery. It's amazing what a small light...

LifeWave remedies heel spurs in ONLY two days

6 months ago I was contacted by an acquaintance of mine, Anne-Marie, asking if LifeWave patches could help her heel spurs. She has had the heel spurs for about 4-5 years now. It comes and goes periodically. "Yes,...