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Illness and pain

Painless root canal treatment without anestethics

We all know how it goes. We go to our 6-month dental check and some of us aren’t very excited to sit in the horizontal chair with the big lamp hanging over us. Others...

Something about … SOUND and its healing power!

In my life, I’ve had for cancer, depression, anxiety, PTSD, prolonged stress, abuse of various kinds, low self-esteem and the great challenge of having a particularly sensitive empathy and being an artist, dreamer and...

LifeWave kit relieves eye inflammation swelling

Lisa is going shopping on a Saturday morning. There may have been bacteria on the door handles, the hand dryer in the bathroom, or on the shopping cart handles, because one of her eyes...

Maria suffers from side effects of the HPV vaccine – improving in two weeks

In a previous post, I told the story of 16-year-old Kathrine, who in just over five years has been ill of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Recently, calling another mother of a HPV side effect...

From LifeWave sceptic to LifeWave passionate

It was with great skepticism and without any desire what-so-ever that I in June of 2011 was signed up as a LifeWave distributor by my brother. I really had no faith in these patches, which at...

Say goodbye to hot flashes and irregular periods

If you’ve reached menopause and feel large hormonal swings and hot flashes, you might feel like you’re wandering through the desert for several years. If you’re challenged by menopause with severe hot flashes and sweating,...

Breast cancer: Relief! My first check-up is positive – Part 3

Part 1: Gasp, breast cancer! How LifeWave helps me Part 2: My journey as a breast cancer patient! The hard choices and help from LifeWave This is the continuation of my story the my experiences I’ve...

How I eased Ulla’s painful ankle joints

Ulla recently came asking me if I could help her with her ankle joint pain. I have previously treated Ulla for a migraine using LifeWave patches, so we know each other since before. I have...

How to achieve a better life with PCOS – my story

Diets where I usually gained weight. Constant frustration that my hair on my lower legs grew darker and faster. Discomfort showing my bare legs – unless I just took care of them. A...

Gasp, breast cancer! How LifeWave helped me

This is my story and my experiences related to my breast cancer. I have chosen to write and share it with you, because cancer is still a major taboo. Here I will talk about...