My journey as a breast cancer patient! The hard choices and the help from...

This is the continuation of my story and my experiences on my journey with breast cancer. I have chosen to write and share it with you because cancer is still a big subject of taboo....

16-year-old Kathrine fell ill due to the HPV vaccine Gardasil

The criticism of the HPV vaccine Gardasil for girls has increased tremendously. At the same time, the number of cases of girls who complain of headaches, pain, difficulty concentrating is also increasing. They sleep...

This is why LifeWave should always be with you

Many of my clients use the patches from LifeWave. But many don't always know how much these little patches can really can do. That's why I have people coming over on a daily basis,...

How to get through a long work day WITHOUT sore feet and legs

I recently just started a new job where the floor is completely different from the floor that I’m used to working on. After the first two days, my feet and legs were very sore...

LifeWave – Anders’ path to a good life with Aspergers

Anders is a young man of 32 years. He has lived with Asperger's syndrome for as long as he can remember. Anders was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. But the diagnosis was later...

Oh, no, out of penicillin – LifeWave boosted the immune defense

I have a wonderful friend who I'm so lucky to work with. We spend many hours each day in a hectic environment. We plan carefully every minute of the day, and yet we are...

How a 54-year-old with Parkinsons improves quality of life

A couple visited me one Saturday afternoon in April three years ago. The man had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a few years earlier. Very briefly, Parkinson's results in a number of different symptoms...

Cream and patches alleviates searing burns from hot honey

One of my acquaintances, Benedikte, was going to make honey-glazed walnuts for Christmas. But imagine – yes, we have all most likely experienced this — as she stands there boiling them, she accidentally squirts...

4 great patching tips! This is how I’ve helped people with pain relief and...

I'm always so pleased over how well we're able to help people help themselves by using light therapy from the LifeWave patches. The patches are based on a unique, patented technology. I won't delve into...

Pain relief and great healing with patches after emergency surgery

An ordinary weekday in December was turned into a hectic ordeal for Gitte. Gitte has over the past few years had onset cataracts in her eyes and has therefore had to go for routine...