3,2,1! Yes, please, to a toned body with less fat with WinFit
Hold on to your hats folks!
I know that I've previously in this blog invited you into my private life and written about my own success in achieving a good life with rheumatoid arthritis without any chemicals....
Whooa! WinFit – Shape Your Future: I am highly motivated
The butterflies in my stomach are getting bigger and bigger the closer we get to September 17th. I feel a bit like a kid looking forward to Christmas Eve. I look forward to it...
LifeWaves new body sculpting product WinFit has arrived
And so it finally happened! On September 17th I flew home to Denmark to finally hear about LifeWave's new body sculpting product WinFit - Body Shaping System. And the interest in the event has been great this...
WinFit – new and brilliant, weight-regulating and body sculpting system from LifeWave
Many of us have been waiting like children on Christmas Eve. This weekend’s (September 17th, 2016) LifeWave event has been eagerly awaited - that’s for sure. Many have been waiting for something new and...
LifeWave does it again!
Today was the day when LifeWave was in Copenhagen to, amongst other things, present their newest addition: WinFit - Body Shaping System.
I just had to share it with you now while I’m all bubbly...
LifeWave event in Copenhagen – I can hardly wait!
I LOOK FORWARD to the LifeWave event on September 17th. To think that a small country like Denmark will be hosting the launch of another new LifeWave product. It’s actually not the first time...
I am SO looking forward to the LifeWave event in Copenhagen!
It has now been two years since I first became acquainted with LifeWave and the great LifeWave products. I can say with certainty that they have made a difference for me. Not just when...
Increased performance on the bike with LifeWave
It's once again time to write another blog entry. It's been a while since I last gave you guys an update on how things are going with using LifeWave in my training. Summer is the peak...
IceWave provides very good pain relief
As you may remember from my previous post, I am injured and have been having a hard time riding my bicycle. Fortunately, LifeWave has helped me a lot. I just received my MRI results...
I am so fortunate! Have been testing LifeWave for two weeks …
Welcome to my first post about LifeWave. As a professional cyclist, I have been lucky enough to be sponsored by Tohuman. I can now finally test out the LifeWave products that I've heard such good...