Everyday miracles with LifeWave Energy Enhancer

When a person comes to me and wants my help, I always have to assess which patch I need this time. The solution is usually the energy patch Energy Enhancer as many pains are caused...

LifeWave; A Christmas present for a better quality of life

Christmas is typically the time of year that is very stressful for people. Some choose to take part of the Christmas bonanza. Others have chosen to take a step back from this stress triggering anguish. Christmas...

Stress boom: LifeWave relieves the feeling of stress

Stress is something most familiar. Many have had it in one degree or another. Many have daily symptoms. With the way our world is put together, will once more be hit. In 2013 answered about...

Poor sleeping patterns affect your body fat percentage

Do you sleep poorly at night? Did you know that poor sleep affects your the fat percentage of your body and increases your risk of becoming obese? When training both weight-loss programs and general training courses, I...

Stress and lack of surplus vanished with LifeWave

On a farm, there is no running back to mum. From I was very young, I learned that you need to put in work while you can. Because the animals need feeding – every...

When the strong family member came down with stress

Some time ago I asked for help from a close, dear relative. She could no longer cope with the increasing workload of her job. Several employees had already taken off work due to stress....

Join me on the journey towards a better quality of life

On your journey through life you come across a myriad of different challenges. These help you grow and become stronger. I guess this is basically what most people associate with the term personal development. Your ability to deal...

Renewed life energy in 480 days

I have never been any sort of elite athlete. My work has always taken up most of my time. In 2014 my body put a stop to that. After more than 25 years as ...

I simply had to create the To Human app

Aeon on GV 14, Gluthatione on CV6, and Carnosine on CV17. What the heck does that mean? Back in 2014, when I was introduced to the wondrous world of LifeWave, I also met a...